Anonymous ID: 85be6a March 10, 2020, 5:18 p.m. No.8371948   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Coronavirus: Health minister Nadine Dorries becomes first MP diagnosed with illness


Tory minister says she is self-isolating at home after testing positive for virus


Nadine Dorries, the conservative MP and junior health minister, has tested positive for coronavirus.


The 62-year-old is the first British politician to have contracted the virus, which has infected more than 118,000 people worldwide and caused more than 4,200 deaths.


In a statement, Ms Dorries said: “I can confirm I have tested positive for coronavirus. As soon as I was informed I took all the advised precautions and have been self-isolating at home.


“Public Health England has started detailed contact tracing and the department and my parliamentary office are closely following their advice.


“I would like to thank PHE and the wonderful NHS staff who have provided me with advice and support.”

Anonymous ID: 85be6a March 10, 2020, 5:19 p.m. No.8371951   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2032 >>2053 >>2382 >>2548 >>2640

4 People, Including Children, Found Dead In Dallas Hotel Room


TEXAS — A man, a woman, and two minors were found dead inside of a Dallas hotel room Tuesday.


Dallas police responded to the scene at the Staybridge Suites, located in the 16000 block of Dallas Parkway, around 3:00 p.m. local time.


According to KDFW, ‘Hotel managers told DPD that a reservation for the room the people were in ended on Tuesday but they remained in the room. When management tried to enter the room they heard a gunshot, backed off and called police.’


“This is the hardest part of the job. To see lives lost, especially children,” Dallas Police Chief Renee Hall told the news outlet.


Police would not confirm if the incident was a murder-suicide but said detectives are looking at that possibility.


No further details were available.

Anonymous ID: 85be6a March 10, 2020, 5:21 p.m. No.8371973   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2053 >>2382 >>2548 >>2640

Voters face delays, untested new procedures in Michigan, Missouri, Washington, Mississippi, Idaho, and North Dakota


As primary voters streamed to the polls in six US states, they encountered system failures, missing ballots, disqualifying technicalities, and other unexpected roadblocks. One mayor was even turned away from his polling station.


Former vice president Joe Biden leads the Democratic field going into Tuesday’s contests, in which the candidates will compete for 352 party delegates. While Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders began the nomination season strong, handily taking the first three states, Biden surged to the forefront on Super Tuesday - though some have raised alarms about vote-counting abnormalities in several of the states he won, noting sizable disparities between exit polling and computer vote tallies. As voting began on Tuesday, more anomalies have cropped up.


Numerous early voters in St. Louis County, Missouri - the state’s most densely-populated region - had no choice but to give up and go to work on Tuesday morning when the electronic check-in system failed to sync with election officials’ computer system to print their ballots. Flustered poll workers made matters worse by not switching to the manual backup system, causing a snarl that ate up at least an hour of voting time at over 50 of the county’s 400 polling places.


While Biden is polling ahead in Missouri, Sanders nearly edged out rival Hillary Clinton in 2016 in the largely-conservative state, and the Democratic Socialist candidate held a well-attended campaign rally in St. Louis on Monday.


Even Kansas City, Missouri Mayor Quinton Lucas found himself shut out of the system in the district where he’d voted for 11 years (“including for myself four times!”), finding his name had seemingly disappeared from the rolls. The Democrat pledged to follow up on the issue, noting that most of his constituents wouldn’t have the luxury of returning to the polls twice, and later found out his first and last name had been mysteriously swapped.

Anonymous ID: 85be6a March 10, 2020, 5:23 p.m. No.8371985   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Australian Taxation Office to target cryptocurrency investors with audit warnings


The Australian Taxation Office has a brand new target in its sights, and if you’ve made this one mistake, you could soon be audited – or worse.


Hundreds of thousands of Australians are set to receive a stern warning from the Australian Taxation Office in the coming weeks as the tax man takes on cryptocurrency traders.


The ATO is in the process of contacting up to 350,000 individuals either by letter or email to “remind them” of their taxation obligations when they trade in cryptocurrency, such as bitcoin.


Cryptocurrencies are considered to be a form of property and therefore an asset for capital gains tax purposes.


That means any financial gains made from the buying and selling of cryptocurrencies will generally be subject to capital gains tax and must be reported to the ATO.


Examples include selling, trading or exchanging cryptocurrency, converting it into Australian dollars or a foreign currency or using it to obtain goods or services.


An ATO spokesman told investors in cryptocurrency should ensure they keep good records when they buy, sell or trade cryptocurrencies to make it a lot easier come tax time.


Those records should include receipts of purchase or transfer of cryptocurrency, exchange records, records of agent, accountant and legal costs, digital wallet records and keys, the date of the transactions, the value of the cryptocurrency in Australian dollars at the time of the transaction and what the transaction was for and who the other party was.


“In April last year we published our Data Matching Protocol for cryptocurrency. Under this program we obtain cryptocurrency transaction data from currency exchanges on taxpayers who have bought and sold cryptocurrency,” the ATO spokesman said.


“Using this data we’ve found that due to the complex nature of cryptocurrencies, some people may not be aware that there may be tax obligations, so our campaign is designed to help raise awareness and give people the opportunity to fix any mistakes.


“You can read more about your obligations in respect to cryptocurrency on our website or if you use a tax agent, you can discuss your obligations with them.”


The spokesman said taxpayers who sold cryptocurrency during the 2017/18 financial year may be contacted by the tax office asking them to review their return and ensure they have reported the correct capital gains amounts on their return.


Those who correct their return will not receive any penalties, but those who fail to fix it could be audited.


“For other taxpayers where we can see they hold cryptocurrency, but may not have sold or traded any during the (financial) year, we will be writing to them to remind them of their tax obligations and the records they should be keep,” the spokesman said.


“Over the next two months we expect to contact as many as 350,000 individuals who have traded in cryptocurrency in the last few years.

Anonymous ID: 85be6a March 10, 2020, 5:25 p.m. No.8372001   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2044 >>2127 >>2135 >>2163 >>2276 >>2382 >>2548 >>2640

Israeli IDF Snipers Boast of Shooting ‘Ducks’ in Gaza’. Boasting About Their Hits. Unspoken Crimes against Humanity


Two days ago (Friday) a piece came out in Haaretz by Ido Glazer, featuring stories from five anonymous snipers who told how they gunned down unarmed protesters at the March of Return near the Gaza perimeter fence.


These accounts are a jaw-dropper, constituting some of the most enraging as well as depressing readings I can recall. The language of the perpetrators of these massacres is testimony to the moral depravity of these young soldiers, who still seem to believe they are fulfilling a sacred duty to defend their country, as well as a damning account of the state and society that supports them and their crimes.


These are not shamed confessions: the snipers appear to be boasting about their “hits”, in competition over the number of knees they can claim to have shot to pieces. And Israeli officials often say that their army is the “most moral army in the world.”


Let’s start with the knees.


Knees are a hard thing to rack up


“I kept the casing of every round I fired,” says one of them. “I have them in my room. So I don’t have to make an estimate – I know: 52 definite hits.”


Is 52 a lot?, Ido Glazer asks.


“I haven’t really thought about it. It’s not hundreds of liquidations like in the movie ‘American Sniper’: We’re talking about knees. I’m not making light of it, I shot a human being, but still …”


Where do you stand in comparison to others who served in your battalion?


“From the point of view of hits, I have the most. In my battalion they would say: ‘Look, here comes the killer.’ When I came back from the field, they would ask, ‘Well, how many today?’ You have to understand that before we showed up, knees were the hardest thing to rack up. There was a story about one sniper who had 11 knees all told, and people thought no one could outdo him. And then I brought in seven-eight knees in one day. Within a few hours, I almost broke his record.”


Not “shooting and crying”


Glazer notes that this is not what is known as “shooting and crying”, a reference to the book that came out in the wake of the 1967 war called “The Seventh Day” (Amos Oz was a main interviewer there), where kibbutzniks unburdened themselves with stories from the war. This kind of soul-searching vein used to be considered a sign of moral fortitude in Israel, because our soldiers don’t just shoot – they also cry, and therefore we are the most moral in the world. No, not here. Glazer:


“More than half a century later, the lament of soldiers returning from the battlefield is still being heard, but at least according to the voices quoted here, their ideological and moral foundations have turned inside out. The soul-searching over the cost in blood has been replaced by criticism of the army’s weakness and the feeling that it is shackling its fighters.”


Neither is it “Breaking the Silence”, Glazer notes, referring to the organization that gathers combat soldier stories in order to create moral opposition to the 1967 occupation:


“They are not out to ‘break the silence’ or to atone for their deeds, only to relate what happened from their point of view.”


The IDF transforms guys into baboons


Indeed, there is hardly any sense of contrition in these accounts. They also celebrate their hits.


Glazer notes that “a video clip that circulated in 2018 showed a Palestinian approaching the fence and being shot by a sniper, as the soldiers celebrated the direct hit with shouts of ‘Right on!’ and ‘What a fab clip!’”.

Anonymous ID: 85be6a March 10, 2020, 5:26 p.m. No.8372006   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2061

US offered Ankara intelligence on Idlib, FM Cavusoglu claims, says S-400 won’t stop Turkey from getting Patriot missiles


The US was willing to give Turkey intelligence regarding Syria’s Idlib, Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu has claimed, adding that the purchase of Russian anti-air systems won’t prevent Ankara from acquiring Patriot missiles.


The senior Turkish diplomat told state-owned Anadolu Agency on Tuesday that Washington had offered land, sea and air intelligence regarding the northwestern region, considered by Damascus and Moscow as the last terrorist stronghold in Syria.


According to Cavusoglu, Turkey and Russia will begin patrols around a critical highway in Idlib, as part of a recent ceasefire agreement brokered by the two sides. He warned that Turkey would retaliate if Syrian forces violated the agreement.


Cavusoglu also insisted that Ankara’s refusal to back out of a deal with Russia to obtain S-400 anti-air systems would not disqualify Turkey from acquiring US Patriot missiles, should they be offered in the future. Washington has repeatedly insisted that the S-400 batteries cannot be integrated into NATO systems. US President Donald Trump has urged Ankara to drop the Russian military hardware, promising in return to sell Ankara Patriot missile systems.


More recently, Turkey has urged the US to deploy Patriot missiles along its southern border with Syria – purportedly in order to deter Russian and Syrian warplanes. The Pentagon has so far resisted the request, reportedly over concerns that the move would have negative “global ramifications.”


Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan told reporters on Tuesday that Washington has “softened” its stance on the issue and is now willing to sell Patriot missiles to Ankara on the condition that the S-400 systems are never activated.


The foreign minister also spoke of the 2016 migration deal between Turkey and the EU, saying it will have to be revised as a result of the recent flare-up of violence in northern Syria. He called on Brussels to loosen visa requirements for Turkey and said that the bloc should work with Ankara to improve its current customs union.


In exchange for billions in aid from the EU, Turkey currently houses some 3.6 million Syrian refugees as part of the existing 2016 deal. Ankara has repeatedly threatened to pull out from the arrangement, accusing Brussels of placing an unfair burden on Turkey.