Sauce of just one case…
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Timeline of ongoing FBI probe in Bridgeport:
Early February 2019: Federal authorities subpoena public facilities contracts and scrap metal sales
Feb. 12, 2019: City formally hires James DeVita, a private attorney, to assist in responding to the federal probe
Feb. 15, 2019: Mayor Joe Ganim announces hiring of Guidepost Solutions to review municipal purchasing policies
April 2019: Connecticut Post reports that the federal investigation now includes 2018’s search for a police chief
July 17, 2019: Federal authorities issue second subpoena, subject unknown
Aug 1, 2019: City enters into formal arrangement with DeVita and Guidepost for help with July 17 subpoena
Aug. 5, 2019: DeVita has a conference call with an “R. Frost”, attorney for Police Chief Armando Perez
Dec. 17, 2019: DeVita has a conference call with Fred Paoletti, attorney for Civil Service Director David Dunn
February 2020: Connecticut Post reports that Guidepost has earned $250,430; city first reveals Guidepost’s and DeVita’s work on the federal probe; DeVita’s contract and invoices for his work become public