"Karl Rove" is a clone and the real one is dead.
There I said it, fight me monitoring agent.
"Karl Rove" is a clone and the real one is dead.
There I said it, fight me monitoring agent.
Biden's one too, many top players are. Specifically the ones that seem too stiff personality-wise, robotic in their speech. How you say… soulless. I started noticing last year and thought I was going crazy. Now I know that I was right the whole time, more or less.
>constantly calls out weebs, gets shit every time
>posts an anime girl once, gets jumped on for being a weeb
Kek, I hate the fucking internet.
That's what I'm thinking. I've been on chans on and off since 2007 and always give weebs shit. But I also recognize that I'm in THEIR world. People who can't handle anime yet at the same time spampost cartoon frogs all day are certified brainlets with clinical levels of cognitive dissonance.
Exact answer one could expect from a brainlet.
Getting called "newfag" by people twice my age who've never even been to 4chan does nothing but make me laugh. These dumb niggers use a language they don't understand to insult the people who invented it.
I remember when 'feelsgoodman.jpg' started showing up everywhere, it was like 06-07. Who do these idiots think invented pepe? Do they think he just appeared out of nowhere in late 2015?
You don't even know what the words you're using mean. Where did 'kek' originate, newfag?
Go look it up on https://knowyourmeme.com/, I'll wait right here.
Most people who find Q are over 40, so it doesn't surprise me I guess. Most memes here would get laughed off any other board for being so cringe. I can definitely tell just by the way most speak that they came directly from twitter/facebook/reddit. 'Oldfag' in their minds means '2017', fucking hilarious.
>i'm gonna post another one just to piss them off XD