Three years ago a FISA investigation was started against me because I got pissed off that they made it legal to start warrantless FISA investigation against American citizens just for having proxies, or using a mobile adblocker so I wrote a review and basically said DO IT, FAGGOT and they did. They stopped the investigation when I asked them to when Trump was inaugurated, you can check there was a speech directed at this.
A year later I felt bad and got drunk because I was sure that my shennanigans got Carter Page jailed. This drunken episode led to the great awakening.
Fast forward, a 2nd FISA investigation is currently being done on me. It's going to expire on the 15th if FISA isn't renewed. The deep state assholes are going to try to frame me by planting CP on my computer.
These fuckers have been stampeding all over my 4th amendment and labeling me a terrorist when I'm just some kid in my mom's basement. I told clowns I was bait.