No autist would be such a dullard that the only explanation for all the world's ills could satisfactorily be summed up by unsubstantiated hatred of Jews. That would sound more like the Iranian/Palestinian shills that stink this place up.
You're fucking still glowing Mohammed.
English not your first language Ahmed?
Oh but all the post references you object to challenge the anti-Semite narrative.
So one can easily extrapolate where your heart lies.
Learn to think Abdul.
I think you're an intellectual midget and sadly as we all know, you can't fix stupid.
Thanks anon for noticing. I sometimes worry I'm alone in here. (If I'm pissing anyone off please use Filter ID+ on my posts, then you'll also take out all the MuhJoo shills at the same time.)
Think of it as the chan version of a suicide vest.
Brilliant - that way we could finally answer how many they have :)
Yes but media object server fits the context better there doesn't it?
And there is NOTHING that says the MOS there means Mossad - unless your brain works exclusively on a single MuhJoo hatred thread.
Wouldn't you agree?
You owned me?
I missed that.
I normally have no problem ridiculing MuhJoo jerkoffs off the board.
Based on what?