Anonymous ID: ad42cb March 11, 2020, 1:29 a.m. No.8375309   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5321

>>8374992 (lb)

November 2017


here it is


an anon posted this (1st image)…early 2019? on here. it must have been before the end of Feb I am sure of that. They posted it as if it was a good thing. they only posted once that bread iirc


i read it and it gave me the creeps.

so…knowing by reputation 4Chan is comped

I thought I'd just see if anything habbened if I messed around with the ID and post number and both of them turned up trumps. I wanted

context as well so I copied the post number and decoded the ID number and a little text and googled and found the sweet spot.


the 5th image isn't mine. i honestly dont even

know where I saved it from but it is in the same folder as about 50% of my trip work and that folder is labelled 3-15-19-02 (I have two "for" that day) and it is dated April 14th 2019 (usually one master folder every three days, and subfolders within, ongoing issues have their own various folders so in my master Jew folder I have "Kikey No Likey", "Jews Lose", "Tales From The Talmud", "Happy", "Jews Suck", "JFK"


JFK contains, "Moar Jew", "New Folder" (thats actually a wicked good folder), "Obama", "Rothschild", "STL", "Zionist", "Christchurch(2)"


In Zionist is a folder named "Jesse"


Then there's "1-1-19, 1-3-20, 1-819kikey, 11-10-19, 11-15-19, AAA11-29, AAA12-23,

KIKES1-22-20" (that's the dogs bollox that one)


"KIKES1-22-20" contains "EUROMANBLUEJEW"


"Mach", "Mach" contains "ShitJewMemes".

"New Folder", "New Folder(2)"

"New Folder(2)" contains "112019"

"NEWJEW", "NEWJEWNEWS", "Reportables", "September 22", "WEAPONS", "WTC",


"NEWJEW" contains "Lesbo CIA FBI", "NewJewJudge"

"NEWJEWNEWS" contains "German Truth".

"Reportables" contains "Ass"

"WEAPONS" contains "EBOTS"

"WTC" contains "New Folder(3)" which contains "New Folder".


this anon decoded qs trips using a different cipher than 5th image anon and the one this anon used converted Qs trips into 5 digit zip and 5 and 6 digit USGS codes. also…the zips weren't all american…at least one of Qs trips contains 2 zips…and I kinda stopped doing it and such-like when this place went dark (I ought to check all the trips to see if they step up and down but I get sidetracked and there s a lot going on) if I posted the things I found now with the way things seem to be it wouldn't go down well. telling folks that someone has quite literally been building things, including whole towns, in accordance with eclipses, eclipse tracks, lay-lines, lat.long, and so on since…the Bay Colony began is not what they want to hear. Maybe I'm way off with this stuff.


however…member when POTUS said "we're going to Mars"?

well a helper anon (see all I do is follow crumbs) dropped a map where Mars was part of the fort Irwin complex, like some

super secret base I guess well it is shaped like a Pyramid and it reminded me of Rock Hudson in the Martian Chronicles the appearance of it and at the apex was a huge satellite dish as if it was an eye so i took as precise a latitude-longitude reading of the center of the eye as I could

and extended to both the east and west coasts and what I discovered is that at the same latitude in north carolina just before you enter the atlantic and leave america there is literally a feature called "The Drain" whilst on the west coast there is a drain as well so to speak a creek drains into the pacific under a road through a tunnel onto the beach and right there is a house, a large odd house, with not only a triangle on the grounds but also three actual pyramids


i mean. really. drives me crazy. i've posted all this with copious proofs.

its a minority sport though not much interest.


build the map?

i have no power to cause change.

people think i'm crazy anyway.


someone said westchester is being shut down?

coronavirus? well if you go to salem common there just N of Boston and take the lines you see on the ground, and extend them to infinity you'll find some coincidences


one of MANY is that HRCs house there - the one with the swimming pool she filled in without a permit in 2015-6 - lies right on one of the lines

Anonymous ID: ad42cb March 11, 2020, 2:08 a.m. No.8375433   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5453


I tell doctors in Mass about the Sacklers, about the amended complaint, they are totally clueless


its a disgrace


all the doctors, hospitals, clinics, welness centers, newspapers, TV, radio, every politician


total silence


they are just going on like nothings wrong


they move like shit off a shovel though here

when it comes to vape pens and banning menthols


clown world massachusetts