Anonymous ID: caec9d March 11, 2020, 2:04 a.m. No.8375417   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5425 >>5428 >>5455 >>5465 >>5479 >>5488 >>5507 >>5524 >>5568 >>5580 >>5586 >>5599 >>5766 >>5798

This operation has been in the bag for a long time. The clean up and minimization

of collateral damage are the main concern. First and foremost, so that the rage and shock does not turn good people into a mob and the children would not witness thousands hanging from the street lamps. That hatred does not rule the day. Yes there are those still entrenched, thinking they have a chance and will "pull it" if not contained very carefully.

Carefully baiting them, exposing them and their sources to the public, removing the resources, which were vast, takes time. Cutting the supply lines, identifying the rat lines in real time, compromising and keeping in place the players. Ensuring that we the people are calm and confident in the truth. Done to quickly the mob would form, becoming that which we abhor.

This will be the ugliest thing humanity has ever seen, and we will forever turn our back to the darkness. None will give them shelter, nor will we become as them, murderers, practitioners of darkness, haters of any.

Turning to the light, caring for the children, creating a whole new world, a whole new way. Cleaning up the earth, there will be no place for hate, we will be to busy.