GMorning Q world, Patriots all!
Just a short thank you to the Lord God maker of all things seen and unseen. The coming days and weeks will be fun, and I personally am still amazed that I was led to this place, to this movement.
Also a note to our leaders, especially Q+: it occurred to me months ago that our income, sales, use, property, fiduciary, corporate and death tax money has been used to "feed the beast", and wouldn't it be smart for all of us to have (at the very least) an income tax holiday, just to remind the "beast" who is really in charge in this country. We can withhold our earnings from the beast, "starve it", at any point – and for any reason. If only we could coordinate - and not pay a big penalty at the end of the year lol! (you know, interest, late fees, penalties and all…)
How about we coordinate a 3rd quarter income tax strike, or maybe a 50% rate cut for the 2nd half of 2020….or even just to make a point: go one payroll without any withholding at all. That might suffice to send the message?
In other words, it's a fantastic idea and would wake up the masses even more. Everyone I know just mumbles or ignores the actual dollar amounts they are losing, and they have no idea what the DS is doing to us with that money.
Thank you and God bless! Stay strong in the Lord, listen to Him, think and communicate with Him often. WRWY