Anonymous ID: 50ccf0 March 11, 2020, 9:56 a.m. No.8377838   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7929 >>7948 >>8051

Ok this is going to be far out there but Anons here me out. IVF. If you think about how pregnancy happens for real. A sperm just one that is perfectly suited for the one egg it finds makes it through. How? That one sperm had what it takes to make it into that one egg. A perfect match. In IVF they just randomly take one and shove it inside. What if that is what creates the path for the demons to infiltrate the body and mind? Think about the amounts of children that were made via IVF in the last two decades. Now they are all in college transitioning genders…Just something to ponder as we get farther down the rabbit hole!