They are really trying on fb to censor independent Q pages, those who are NOT PAYTRIOTS, just citizens who want to discuss Q stuff and where alot of researching seperate from here is disseminated. I don't know about other forums I usually just stay here and the one page I do trust…..maybe internet freedom will come of all this fucking censorship, those in control will finally be culled and we can be a truly free society….
Thank you anon, I prayed and meditated on this. I too know so many good righteous fair and honest people, Americans who would help me if I but ask, but I don't because I want to be independent, I wat to help others as well…this brought a tear to this anons eye….may we think of this and hope for this and keep this as intention going forward.
God bless you…..
Holy shit, I cannot believe that a world leader is actually saying this without being completely nuts. 70% of germans will get Corona and there is nothing we or I can do about it????
Well here is some quick statistics because POTUS did something about it
we have 1050 confirmed accounts of corona here in the US - rough percentage of infection =0.00028378378378378377% of the US pop.
Estimated deaths around 40 = 0.00001081081081081081 of overall pop and 40 deaths out of 1050 infected =3.8095238095238098 mortality rate with premature knowledge of how many may or may not be infected and at high risk….variables apply.
Its Merkels fault if she allows 70% of her citizens to become infected…..
Clowns reveal themselves….