Anonymous ID: 2837c3 March 11, 2020, 11:55 a.m. No.8378985   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9561

Regulators Stonewall on Government Intervention in Gold Market


Does the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission have jurisdiction over manipulative futures trading by the U.S. government, other governments, or brokers acting for them?


Is the commission aware of futures trading by governments?


In a letter to U.S. Rep. Alex Mooney, R-West Virginia, dated January 28 and released to Money Metals and Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee (GATA) this week, the commission’s chairman, Heath P. Tarbert, refused to say.


GATA put those questions and others to the CFTC in 2018 but could get no response.


At our urging, Mooney put those questions and others to the CFTC a year ago in February.


He, too, got no response but kept pressing.


Tarbert’s January 28 letter to Mooney contains an attachment prepared by commission staff that acknowledges the key questions but fails to answer them.


Question 5 in the attachment, asking whether the commission’s jurisdiction covers manipulative trading by the government itself, is a yes-or-no question.


But the reply says only:


The CFTC has exclusive jurisdiction over futures trading on trading facilities registered with the commission as designated contract markets.


Question 6 in the attachment, asking if the commission is aware of trading by the U.S. government or other governments, is also a yes-or-no question.


Instead the commission’s reply says:


The commission may not publish ‘data and information that would separately disclose the business transactions or market positions of any person and trade secrets or names of customers.’


But the commission’s admission of simple awareness of trading by governments would not disclose any transactions or market positions, and official filings and statements by CME Group, operator of the major U.S. futures exchanges, explicitly acknowledge that governments are secretly trading futures under CME Group’s Central Bank Incentive Program.

Anonymous ID: 2837c3 March 11, 2020, 11:56 a.m. No.8378996   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9030 >>9117

US Army Cites Cybersecurity Concerns In Scrapping Planned Purchase of Israeli Military Tech


US Secretary of Defense Mark Esper, a former lobbyist for Raytheon, may soon step in to reverse the decision following pressure from Israel, given that Raytheon co-develops the system with Israeli firms


After spending $373 million to buy two batteries of the Israeli-made Iron Dome missile defense system, the U.S. Army has announced that it is unable to integrate the batteries it purchased with its other air defense systems because Israel has refused to provide the Army with the source code. The Army asserted that without the source code, the system could not be integrated without causing grave cybersecurity vulnerabilities. As a result, the Army has now scrapped its plans to purchase an additional $600 million worth of Iron Dome components.


Adding insult to injury is the fact that the Iron Dome system itself was largely financed by U.S. taxpayers after Congress authorized over $1.5 billion in taxpayer funds to be used by Israel for the development and production of the Iron Dome system, which has suffered from a series of embarrassing failures since it entered the market.


It remains to be seen if the other countries that have signed deals with Israel to purchase Iron Dome, including Azerbaijan and India, will take notice of the U.S. Army’s decision and similarly scrap those plans given Israel’s apparent refusal to provide the source code to even its closest military ally following purchase.


News of the Army’s decision was made public last Thursday when Gen. Mike Murray, commander of Army Futures Command, spoke to the House Armed Services Tactical Air and Land Forces Subcommittee. “We believe we cannot integrate them into our air-defense system based upon some interoperability challenges, some cyber[security] challenges and some other challenges. So what we ended up having is two stand-alone batteries that will be very capable, but they cannot be integrated,” Murray told the subcommittee.


Murray further stated that it would prove “exceptionally difficult to integrate Iron Dome into our layered air-defense architecture [and] to get Iron Dome to talk to other systems [and] other radars, specifically the Sentinel radar.” “What you’re probably – almost certainly – going to see is two stand-alone systems. And if the best we can do is stand-alone systems, we do not want to buy another two batteries,” Murray added.


If future international purchases of Iron Dome are to be impacted by the U.S. Army’s decision, it will not only be a setback for Israel’s defense industry, but also that of the United States, given that U.S. weapons manufacturer Raytheon produces some of the system’s components and markets the systems within the United States. Notably, current U.S. Secretary of Defense Mark Esper is a former lobbyist for Raytheon, a company that closely collaborates with Israel’s defense industry on other systems as well, such as “David’s Sling.”


Esper’s history may be a factor in a potential reversal of the Army’s recent decision, which was urged by Israel’s Defense Ministry following Gen. Murray’s statements before Congress. Israel’s Defense Ministry asked the Army to reconsider their decision to halt future purchases and overlook the existing cybersecurity hurdles in integrating those already purchased “as it would express confidence and recognition of the system’s ‘exceptional capabilities’ and the quality of Israel’s defense industries,” the Jerusalem Post reported.


Israel’s decision to not reveal the source code of a system the U.S. helped finance and subsequently purchased is striking, particularly given that their refusal to do so has resulted in the loss of considerable revenue and the potential collapse of future international sales of the system. Israel’s history of using backdoors in software for intelligence and military purposes, including at sensitive U.S. government facilities, raise obvious concerns about the motive for such a decision.

Anonymous ID: 2837c3 March 11, 2020, 11:58 a.m. No.8379007   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9227

Congressman Massie Speaks Out Against Patriot Act/FISA Reauthorization


With the Patriot Act/FISA set to be re-authorized, at least one congressman – Rep. Thomas Massie – reminds the American people about what the Constitution says and how the Patriot Act/FISA reauthorization completely upends all of the protections contained therein.


Rep. Massie also reveals the backroom dealings surrounding this legislation, offering only 24 hours for review instead of the mandated 72 hours.

Anonymous ID: 2837c3 March 11, 2020, 11:59 a.m. No.8379013   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Russia will temporarily restrict flights to and from Italy, Germany, Spain, France


Russian air carriers will only operate flights from Moscow Sheremetyevo Terminal F to Rome, Munich, Berlin, Frankfurt am Main, Madrid, Barcelona and Paris


MOSCOW, March 11. /TASS/. Russia will temporarily restrict air service with Italy, Germany, Spain and France starting March 13, Russia’s task force for combating the spread of novel coronavirus (COVID-19) told reporters on Wednesday.


"[A decision was made] to temporarily restrict passenger flights from the territory of Russia to and from the territory of the Italian Republic, the Federal Republic of Germany, the Kingdom of Spain, the French Republic," the message informs.


Russian air carriers will only operate flights from Moscow Sheremetyevo Terminal F to Rome, Munich, Berlin, Frankfurt am Main, Madrid, Barcelona and Paris. Earlier on Wednesday, Aeroflot announced mass suspension of flights to these countries.

Anonymous ID: 2837c3 March 11, 2020, 11:59 a.m. No.8379017   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Bank of England Cuts Rates To Mitigate Coronavirus Fallout, ECB May Do Likewise




Boe cut rates to 0.25% a record low

ECB president Lagarde warned virus may cause as much harm as 2008 crisis

BoE also will fund cheap loans to help small UK businesses


In the wake of easing by the U.S. Federal Reserve last week, the Bank of England on Wednesday cut interest rates by 50 basis points to 0.25% – a record low – in order to support the British economy against the negative impact of the coronavirus outbreak.


The BoE also announced it will provide 190 billion pounds [about $246 billion] of additional funds to help banks support companies through increased loans. The bank will also offer funding for cheap loans of 100 billion pounds [$129 billion] to small and mid-sized companies.


"These measures will help to keep firms in business and people in jobs and help prevent a temporary disruption from causing longer lasting economic harm," the bank stated.


The BoE's role is to “help U.K. businesses and households manage through an economic shock that could prove large and sharp, but should be temporary," said Mark Carney, the BoE’s outgoing governor.


Carney noted policymakers had witnessed a "sharp fall in trading conditions,” including spending on nonessential goods, and that the bank’s measures were designed to have "maximum impact.”


However, Carney emphasized that while the size of the economic fallout from the coronavirus remained unclear, the U.K. economy will likely contract in the next few months.


"I would emphasize the direction is clear, though the orders of magnitude are still to be determined," Carney added.

Anonymous ID: 2837c3 March 11, 2020, noon No.8379026   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9208

How black swans are shaping planet panic


Is the planet under the spell of a pair of black swans – a Wall Street meltdown, caused by an alleged oil war between Russia and the House of Saud, plus the uncontrolled spread of Covid-19 – leading to an all-out “cross-asset pandemonium” as billed by Nomura?


Or, as German analyst Peter Spengler suggests, whatever the averted climax in the Strait of Hormuz has not brought about so far “might now come through market forces”?


Let’s start with what really happened after five hours of relatively polite discussions last Friday in Vienna. What turned into a de facto OPEC+ meltdown was quite the game-changing plot twist.


OPEC+ includes Russia, Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan. Essentially, after enduring years of OPEC price-fixing – the result of relentless US pressure over Saudi Arabia – while patiently rebuilding its foreign exchange reserves, Moscow saw the perfect window of opportunity to strike, targeting the US shale industry.


Shares of some of these US producers plunged as much as 50% on “Black Monday.” They simply cannot survive with a barrel of oil in the $30s – and that’s where this is going. After all these companies are drowning in debt.


A $30 barrel of oil has to be seen as a precious gift/stimulus package for a global economy in turmoil – especially from the point of view of oil importers and consumers. This is what Russia made possible.


And the stimulus may last for a while. Russia’s National Wealth Fund has made it clear it has enough reserves (over $150 billion) to cover a budget deficit from six to ten years – even with oil at $25 a barrel. Goldman Sachs has already gamed a possible Brent crude at $20 a barrel.


As Persian Gulf traders stress, the key to what is perceived in the US as an “oil war” between Moscow and Riyadh is mostly about derivatives. Essentially, banks won’t be able to pay those speculators who hold derivative insurance against a steep decline in the price of oil. Added stress comes from traders panicking with Covid-19 spreading across nations that are visibly unprepared to deal with it.

Watch the Russian game


Moscow must have gamed beforehand that Russian stocks traded in London – such as Gazprom, Rosneft, Novatek and Gazprom Neft – would collapse. According to Lukoil’s co-owner Leonid Fedun, Russia may lose up to $150 million a day from now on. The question is for how long this will be acceptable.


Still, from the beginning Rosneft’s position was that for Russia, the deal with OPEC+ was “meaningless” and only “cleared the way” for American shale oil.


The consensus among Russian energy giants was that the current market setup – massive “negative oil demand,”positive “supply shock” and no swing producer – inevitably had to crash the price of oil. They were watching, helplessly, as the US was already selling oil for a lower price than OPEC.


Moscow’s move against the US fracking industry was payback for the Trump administration messing with Nord Stream 2. The inevitable, steep devaluation of the ruble was gamed.


Still, what happened post-Vienna essentially has little to do with a Russia-Saudi trade war. The Russian Energy Ministry is phlegmatic: Move on, nothing to see here. Riyadh, significantly, has been emitting signs the OPEC+ deal may be back in the cards in the near future. A feasible scenario is that this sort of shock therapy will go on until 2022, and then Russia and OPEC will be back to the table to work out a new deal.


There are no definitive numbers, but the oil market accounts for less than 10% of Russia’s GDP (it used to be 16% in 2012). Iran’s oil exports in 2019 plunged by a whopping 70 %, and still Tehran was able to adapt. Yet oil accounts for over 50% of Saudi GDP. Riyadh needs oil at no less than $85 a barrel to pay its bills. The 2020 budget, with crude priced at $62-63 a barrel, still has a $ 50 billion deficit.


Aramco says it will be offering no fewer than 300,000 barrels of oil a day beyond its “maximum sustained capacity” starting April 1. It says it will be able to produce a whopping 12.3 million barrels a day.

Anonymous ID: 2837c3 March 11, 2020, 12:03 p.m. No.8379043   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9154

Gatherings of More Than 250 People Banned in Washington Counties Amid Coronavirus Outbreak


Washington Gov. Jay Inslee on Wednesday said he was banning gatherings of more than 250 people in the state’s three most populous counties.


The ban was being placed on Snohomish, King, and Pierce counties, Inslee said at a press conference.


“It is clear that our state needs a more vigorous and more comprehensive and more aggressive a position if we are going to slow the spread of this epidemic,” he said. “This is not just your ordinary flu. This is a virus that the experts tell us are (sic) at least 10 times more potentially fatal than the flu,” he added, citing health experts officials have spoken to.


Community, civic, leisure, faith-based, and sporting events, as well as concerts, parades, fundraisers, and other gatherings, are banned if the gatherings include 250 or more people.


The virus, which causes a disease called COVID-19, has killed 24 people in the state, including 22 in King County alone.


King County Executive Dow Constantine said that the county’s public health officer, Jeff Duchin, would be signing an order that prohibits gatherings with fewer than 250 people unless the gatherings meet public health guidelines, including social distancing measures.


The ban on gatherings “will help ensure that a health crisis does not become a humanitarian disaster,” Constantine told reporters.

Anonymous ID: 2837c3 March 11, 2020, 12:04 p.m. No.8379048   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Falling Oil Prices Will Cause Bank Failures & the Collapse of the Petrodollar! Great Video!



Anonymous ID: 2837c3 March 11, 2020, 12:07 p.m. No.8379074   🗄️.is 🔗kun

SIPRI: Saudi Arabia is World’s Largest Arms Importer in Past 5 Years, With US Being its Main Supplier


RIYADH – Saudi Arabia, apart from being known for its amazing human rights record, (especially towards women), has also been the world’s largest arms importer over the past five years and has boosted by 130 percent its major arms imports, a study by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) shows.

RevContent InArticle SOLO


The results of the study, published on Monday, also showed that the Wahhabi regime accounted for 12 percent of global arms imports during the period from 2015 to 2019, PressTV reported.


“Arms imports by countries in the Middle East increased by 61 percent between 2010–14 and 2015–19 and accounted for 35 percent of total global arms imports over the past five years. Saudi Arabia was the world’s largest arms importer in 2015–19. Its imports of major arms increased by 130 percent compared with the previous five-year period and it accounted for 12 percent of global arms imports in 2015–19,” the report said.


SIPRI added that despite the continuation of Saudi military aggression against its southern neighbor, “…both the USA and the UK continued to export arms to Saudi Arabia in 2015–19”.


“A total of 73 percent of Saudi Arabia’s arms imports came from the USA and 13 percent from the UK,” the report added.


In March 2015, Saudi Arabia, with the help of a number of its allies, particularly the United Arab Emirates (UAE), launched the brutal campaign against Yemen, whose former President Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi had fled to Riyadh a few months earlier after stepping down the previous year.


The Saudi-led campaign, code-named Operation Decisive Storm, was launched to achieve two main objectives: bringing Hadi, a staunch ally of Riyadh, back to power, and crushing the Houthi Ansarullah movement, whose fighters have proved to be of significant help to the Yemeni army in defending the Arab country against the invaders since the onset of the imposed war.


The US-based Armed Conflict Location and Event Data Project (ACLED), a nonprofit conflict-research organization, estimates that the war has claimed more than 100,000 lives over the past nearly five years. Elsewhere in its report on Monday, SIPRI said the UAE, which has also been militarily involved in Libya, was another huge importer of arms, making it “the eighth-largest arms importer in the world in 2015–19”.


“In 2019, when foreign military involvement in Libya was condemned by the United Nations Security Council, the UAE had major arms import deals ongoing with Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Russia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Turkey, the UK and the USA,” it added.


SIPRI also revealed that the US had increased its total share of global arms exports to 36 percent from 2010 to 2019 through exporting major arms, adding that in the 2015-19 period its arms exports were 76 percent higher than those by Russia, the world’s second-largest arms exporter.


“Half of US arms exports in the past five years went to the Middle East, and half of those went to Saudi Arabia,” said Pieter D. Wezeman, Senior Researcher at SIPRI, noting that major arms transferred from the US had gone to a total of 96 countries.


The Sweden-based research institute also said France witnessed its highest level of arms exports for any five-year period since 1990 as it exported 7.9 percent of the total global arms exports in 2015-19, showing a 72-percent jump compared to those of the 2010-14 period.


“The French arms industry has benefited from the demand for arms in Egypt, Qatar and India,” said Diego Lopes Da Silva, a SIPRI researcher.


It should be noted that despite having the third-largest military budget in the world (right after the US and China, and ahead of military superpowers like Russia), Saud Arabia has so far shown its military is quite incompetent. The Wahhabi regime, knowns as being the largest supporter and exporter of Islamic terrorism for decades, has been unable to defeat a starving country (Yemen) for 5 years now.


In addition, Saudi Arabia’s exorbitantly expensive US-made “Patriot” ballistic missile defenses failed miserably during September 2019 Houthi drone attacks, conducted in retaliation of gruesome Saudi crimes against Yemeni people. This just goes to show that enormous military budgets are not an indicator of military might, as shown by Russia’s example, whose military budget barely makes it to the top 10.

Anonymous ID: 2837c3 March 11, 2020, 12:08 p.m. No.8379080   🗄️.is 🔗kun

UK Lawmakers Reject Proposal Banning Huawei from 5G Telecoms Networks by 2022


LONDON – The United Kingdom House of Commons voted on Tuesday to reject amendments to the country’s Telecommunications Infrastructure Bill, proposed by Conservative members of parliament, which would have prevented tech giant Huawei from participating in the establishment of UK’s 5G networks.

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In total, 38 rebel Tory (Conservative) lawmakers, including former leader Iain Duncan Smith and long-standing critic of the Chinese tech giant Huawei, Tom Tugendhat, broke party ranks and supported the proposed amendments, RIA Novosti reported.


However, the Commons voted 306-282 to reject the revisions that proposed forbidding “high-risk vendors”, which many consider the Chinese tech giant as being, from the United Kingdom’s 5G telecommunications networks after 2022.


“I’m opposed to the government’s decision on Huawei’s involvement in our telecoms. There are alternatives as Australia, France, the Czech Republic and even Vietnam show. There’s no point in taking back control from Brussels only to hand it over to Beijing,” Tugendhat wrote on Twitter.


London has defied significant pressure from the United States and permitted Huawei partial access to the country’s emerging 5G network market. However, the Chinese tech giant will be excluded from certain “safety-related” and “safety-critical” networks, top UK officials states earlier.


During May last year, the US blacklisted the Chinese tech corporation, claiming that the company intends to provide back-door access for Chinese intelligence services. No evidence whatsoever was provided to back these claims. Yet, the measure is very useful for the US tech companies which are now severely lagging behind in 5G network technologies, which is a stark contrast to the situation from just a few years ago.


The United States has since put a lot of pressure on other nations to follow suit, although these efforts have been rebuffed by countries such as Germany and Canada who have insisted that they will make their own decisions regarding Huawei’s involvement in the next generation of wireless cellular technology.

Anonymous ID: 2837c3 March 11, 2020, 12:13 p.m. No.8379106   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9124 >>9327

Leather-Jacketed, Coke-Snorting Jews in the Soviet Secret Police, Torturing, Raping and Killing Gentiles: The Evidence


In “Ted Gold and the Jews of Weatherman” (September 2017 in TOO), I wrote, in describing a envisioned takeover of the United States by the Jewish radical group Weatherman, “Cue the return of leather-jacketed coke-snorting Jewish secret police rounding up the gentiles for rape, torture and murder in dank abattoirs. It happened, look it up.” This somewhat jarring historical reference left one commenter, “Jim,” nonplussed. He wrote, whether ironically or seriously (but amusingly), “Where can I find info on coke snorting Jews raping people.” Somewhat belatedly, I thought I would review some of the evidence for the separate elements of my statement: leather jackets, cocaine, and torture, rape and murder in “dank abattoirs.” And, of course, Jewish Cheka agents.


The Cheka


When the Bolsheviks seized the power that was so famously “lying in the streets” in early November 1917, they didn’t disguise the fact that they meant to rule by force and terror. Within weeks they established the coercive arm of their permanent revolution, the “Extraordinary Commission for Combating Counterrevolution and Sabotage,” Ve-Cheka for short or Cheka for shorter. Lenin placed the fanatical Pole Felix Dzerzhinsky in charge of it, and he in turn recruited a cohort of Latvians, Jews, and renegade Russians to help him devastate the Russian nation. The Cheka almost immediately launched into one of the most horrifying orgies of mass murder ever recorded, and men of Jewish blood, who like other Jewish leftists, retained their Jewish identity, played a very prominent role in it.


It is very well-attested that Jews were, for the first twenty years of its history, vastly over-represented in the ranks of the Cheka in proportion to their numbers in the population of the Soviet Union. A few citations will suffice. The historian Richard Pipes quotes a member of the early Kiev Cheka to the effect that three-quarters of its personnel were Jewish.[1] Another source shows that 37 of the top 96 NKVD (later nomenclature for the Cheka) officials in 1934 were Jews, an astounding number considering they made up only 1.7 percent of the population.[2] The Jews actually outnumbered ethnic Russians in these top positions all the way up to early 1937, when Stalin began purging them. The Soviet-born Israeli journalist Sever Plocker writes, “Many Jews sold their soul to the devil of the Communist revolution and have blood on their hands for eternity”—at a time, incidentally, when celebrating the Bolshevik Revolution was entirely mainstream in the Jewish diaspora community in the West. At the same time, Jews were underrepresented in the population of the Gulag, by roughly twenty-five percent.[3]


Within months of the institution of the Cheka, provincial Chekas were sprouting up throughout the territory controlled by the beleaguered Bolshevik dictatorship. Because the central Cheka was essentially an extra-legal body, and had for some time little bureaucratic control over the provincial Chekas, the latter often amounted to little more than local strong-arm groups, composed of criminals and Jews, whose motives were plunder and revenge. Central authorities did eventually succeed in bringing their Cheka franchises under discipline, but the murder, torture, and plunder continued, the only change being central direction and a better paper trail.


Part 1

Anonymous ID: 2837c3 March 11, 2020, 12:15 p.m. No.8379124   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9140 >>9327



A recent historian of Stalin’s executioners affirms the Jews “ruthlessly avenged the victims of a century’s pogroms.”[9] Another states that “the “ranks of the Cheka were filled with social elements anxious for revenge.”[10] A historian of the Russian Civil War states, “Always anxious to use national and racial hatreds to advantage, Dzerzhinskii placed Jews in seven of the Cheka’s top ten positions. . . . The victims of centuries of anti-Semitic abuse, the Jews of the Ukraine now had a chance to take revenge.”[11]


The Cheka officers, with literally nothing hindering their action, assaulted women on a mass scale. There is plenty of evidence for this.


“Convicted criminals and certified psychopaths appointed themselves officers of the Cheka and terrorized, raped, and murdered whom they liked.”[12] “Rapes of female prisoners by Cheka guards and interrogators were so commonplace that they occasioned comment from superiors only if performed in some particularly brutal or perverted fashion.”[13] Rape of Russian women by Cheka men “took on gigantic proportions, particularly in the second reconquest of Ukraine and the Cossack regions of the Crimea in 1920.”[14]


Sergey Melgounov wrote the classic account of early Bolshevik rule, The Red Terror. On page 136 he describes Cheka “food detachments” that plundered the food in the countryside to feed the cities, the base of Bolshevik power: “Whenever an expedition that was collecting the grain tax in the Khvalinsky district reached a village the peasants were commanded to surrender their best-looking girls to the officials.”[15]


A story from Ekaterinodar in the Caucasus, c. 1919:


Madame Dombrovskaya, an ex-school teacher, was tortured in her solitary confinement cell . . . . The Che-Ka had been informed that she had . . . jewelery . . . in her keeping: wherefore . . . she was ordered to be tortured until she should reveal where the jewelery might be. For a beginning she was raped and outraged generally—the raping taking place in order of seniority of torturers, with a man called Friedmann raping her first, and the others in regular sequence. And, that done, she was questioned further as to the whereabouts of the jewelery, and further tortured by having incisions made into her body, and her finger tips nipped with pliers and pincers. Until at last, in her agony, with the blood pouring from her wounds, she confessed that the jewels were hidden in an outbuilding of her house. The same evening (the date being November 6) she was shot.[16]


Part 2

Anonymous ID: 2837c3 March 11, 2020, 12:17 p.m. No.8379140   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9150



Other witnesses also stated that many of the dead were naked, which naturally leads to the question whether they were raped.[29] The Ukrainian Red Cross estimated that 4,000 people had perished in Lvov alone.[30] Another source says the victims numbered 10,000.[31]


When the local Ukrainian and Polish population saw the terrible scenes, they “immediately started to drag the Jews out of their homes and to abuse them in the streets.”[32] Thousands were killed. The locals pinned the atrocities upon the Jews, so deep-set was the impression that Bolsheviks = Jews. I have not found information on Cheka agents in Lvov for this period, but Jews composed thirty percent of the population of the city.[33] The top-ranks of NKVD officials by this time had a much-reduced Jewish contingent, but that doesn’t mean the middle and lower ranks were reduced in the same proportion. Arkady Vaksberg writes, “But the NKVD was not free of Jews, despite the . . . purges. Among the sadists who came to fill the emptied slots, including very high ones, were “more of the same.”[34] One source states that there were almost 600 Jewish officers in the Ukrainian NKVD in January 1945.[35]Certainly there would have been many more in June 1941.


When I wrote the sentence that introduced this short essay, I was predicting what a Weatherman takeover in America would look like. The communists in Weatherman had important similarities with the Bolsheviks: a smug and fanatical superiority complex, a messianic ideology, slavering hatred of Whites/Christians, and plans for “re-education” camps. The Weathermen have mostly passed away, but the spirit that produced them is far stronger than it was in the 1960s; it is the same ancient and murderous hatred that propelled the Bolsheviks. A powerful desire to avenge the evils of the old social order. The Weathermen were not alone on the Jewish left with fantasies of hatred and revenge.


For many Jewish New Leftists “the revolution promises to avenge the sufferings and to right the wrongs which have, for so long, been inflicted on Jews with the permission or encouragement, or even at the command of, the authorities in prerevolutionary societies” (Cohen, P. S. (1980). Jewish Radicals and Radical Jews. London: Academic Press., 208; here, p. 85). Interviews with New Left Jewish radicals revealed that many had destructive fantasies in which the revolution would result in “humiliation, dispossession, imprisonment or execution of the oppressors” combined with the belief in their own omnipotence and their ability to create a non-oppressive social order (Ibid.). These findings are also entirely consistent with Kevin MacDonald’s personal experience among Jewish New Left activists at the University of Wisconsin in the 1960s (here, p. 103, note 13).


The body of this essay is a glimpse at a state of affairs that hovers over the horizon like a vast terrifying storm. No revolutionary overthrow will be needed at this point, for the levers of power are already in the hands of our enemies, awaiting only a situation where they can seize absolute power comparable to their power in the post-revolutionary USSR. Time is short; the great question of this generation is this: does the spirit of our ancestors, the warriors of the steppe, merely slumber in our countrymen? Or is it in fact dead? I’m not sure I want to know the answer to that question.


Part 3



Anonymous ID: 2837c3 March 11, 2020, 12:21 p.m. No.8379181   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9202 >>9671

US-Israel Predictably Behind Turkish Aggression in Syria


Turkey’s ongoing fighting in northern Syria’s Idlib governorate was – from the beginning of recent escalations – clearly a continuation of Washington’s wider now 9 year-long proxy war against Damascus.


Whatever gains Turkey had made in terms of reducing its role in Washington’s proxy war and repairing ties with Syria’s allies Russia and Iran – were clearly less important to Ankara amid these recent weeks of renewed aggression than whatever Washington has either promised Anakara or threatened it with.


And precisely because Turkey’s aggression in Idlib is merely one part of the much wider proxy war Washington continues to wage against Damascus – it was predicted that others involved in the proxy war would coordinate with Turkey elsewhere in Syria.


Israeli Airstrikes


In recent weeks Israel has continued carrying out attacks in Syrian territory.


Recent news has covered Israeli attacks on military targets in Homs – right at the edge of where Turkey’s aggression trails off.


Chinese news site Xinhua in its March 5, 2020 article, “Syrian air defenses intercept Israeli missiles in central, southern regions,” would report:


Syrian air defenses intercepted Israeli missiles in the central province of Homs and the southern Quneitra province after midnight Thursday, state news agency SANA reported.


The missiles were fired from Israeli warplanes over the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights and from Lebanese airspace, said the report, without providing details on the targets.


The attack is the latest in a string of missile strikes carried out by Israel.


Despite Israel and Turkey often posing as being at odds with one another over political, religious, or ideological issues – both nations have coordinated violence against Syria since 2011 as per US designs aimed at overthrowing the Syrian government – described in detail within US policy papers.


US Designs to Use Turkey and Israel as Proxies Revealed as Early as 1983


Ignoring the West’s ongoing propaganda surrounding the Syrian conflict and simply looking at US policy papers over the years – it is clear that not only has Washington sought to overthrow the Syrian government for decades – it has sought to do so using the same tricks.


A 1983 document– part of a deluge of declassified papers released to the public – signed by former CIA officer Graham Fuller titled, “Bringing Real Muscle to Bear Against Syria”, states (their emphasis):


Syria at present has a hammerlock on US interests both in Lebanon and in the Gulf — through closure of Iraq’s pipeline thereby threatening Iraqi internationalization of the [Iran-Iraq] war. The US should consider sharply escalating the pressures against Assad [Sr.] through covertly orchestrating simultaneous military threats against Syria from three border states hostile to Syria: Iraq, Israel and Turkey.


The report also states:


If Israel were to increase tensions against Syria simultaneously with an Iraqi initiative, the pressures on Assad would escalate rapidly. A Turkish move would psychologically press him further.

Anonymous ID: 2837c3 March 11, 2020, 12:23 p.m. No.8379194   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9267

Saudi Arabia Goes All-In In Oil War, Increases Its “Maximum Sustainable” Output To 13 Million Barrels Per Day


On March 11, oil prices continued falling as Saudi Arabia doubled-down on its threat to flood the world market with own oil crushing other oil producers.


State oil giant Saudi Aramco announced that it would increase its “maximum sustainable” production capacity by to 13 million barrels per day. This move will mean that the Kingdom is jacking up its production by about 3.5 million barrels per day.


The announcement triggered another round of panic on the energy market. Brent crude futures, the global oil benchmark, was trading 3% lower (about $35.75 per barrel). Since March 5, Brent prices have fallen by about 28%, and 48% since a peak in early January.


If Saudi Arabia turns all these promises into reality, in April its oil production will increase by over 30% in comparison to the level of the OPEC+ deal that recently collapsed.


While Western mainstream media outlest are already accusing Russia of the ongoing oil prices fall (like Russia was the side that went offensive on the market), in fact the Saudi oil campaign is mainly aimed against Russia and Iran. The goal of the campaign (apaprently coordinated with the United States) is to deliver a powerful blow to US geopolitical opponents in the economic sphere simultaneously increasing diplomatic and clandestine pressure on them.


Washington already promised more sactions against Moscow over the conflict in Syria, while pro-US forces inside Russia are actively working to destabilize the country from inside.

Anonymous ID: 2837c3 March 11, 2020, 12:25 p.m. No.8379217   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9472 >>9646

10 Rockets Fired At Iraqi Base Holding US Troops: Officials


Iraqi authorities confirmed 10 rockets are fired at Camp Taji near Baghdad, which houses U.S. troops, causing no deaths or injuries.


“Ten Katyusha rockets landed inside the Camp Taji, without losses,” said Iraqi military officials on Wednesday, referring to the type Russian-made missiles that are often used by Iran-backed paramilitary forces in the country.


A truck with a missile platform was located with “three missiles remaining south of the Rashidiya area,” the officials said.


Photos posted by the Iraqi Security Medica Cell, which is operated by the prime minister’s office, showed the truck and the missile launchers


It’s not clear who was behind the rocket attack. Further details about the incident were not provided.


About a month ago, four rockets were fired at the U.S. Embassy “Green Zone” in Baghdad, the military said at the time. It also follows a string of attacks involving Iraqi military bases housing U.S. troops.


Rockets were also fired at Camp Taji in mid-January amid heightened tensions between the U.S. and Iran, according to reports at the time.


Iran in January claimed responsibility after a barrage of missiles was fired at two airbases holding U.S. troops, causing minor head injuries to more than 100 soldiers, according to the Pentagon. It came after the United States authorized the killing of top Iranian commander Qassem Soleimani, who was traveling near the Baghdad airport, days before that.


A general view shows the U.S. embassy across the Tigris river in Iraq’s capital Baghdad on Jan. 3, 2020. (Ahmad Al-Rubaye/AFP via Getty Images)


White House officials said Soleimani was plotting attacks on American assets in the region while adding that forces loyal to him in Iraq killed an American contractor in late December. Around the same time, Iran-backed forces and protesters tried to storm the U.S. Embassy before the airstrike was carried out.


Last year, the U.S. State Department designated the Iran Revolutionary Guards Corps, Soleimani’s Quds Force, and Kataib Hezbollah all as terrorist organizations.


Rockets also landed near Camp Taji last summer. At the time, Katyusha rockets were used. The Army Times last year reported that a U.S. soldier supporting the Inherent Resolve coalition died in a non-combat incident in Camp Taji. The soldier was identified as Sgt. Nathan G. Irish.

Anonymous ID: 2837c3 March 11, 2020, 12:27 p.m. No.8379238   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9255 >>9267

Putin on Current Global Markets Turmoil: It Creates Not Only Problems, But Also Opportunities


Monday's stock market drop was the worst correction since the 2008 financial crisis, with the Dow Jones Industrial Average seeing its largest-ever single day point drop in history, and oil futures shedding 20 percent amid jitters over coronavirus and OPEC+'s failure to reach a deal on production cuts.


Russian President Vladimir Putin has commented on the turmoil in global markets, including energy, saying the current processes create not only problems, but also opportunities.


"I'm not just hoping - I'm confident that Russia will go through this turbulent period with dignity and a sense of calm. Moreover, there is every chance for key Russian industries to come out of this situation much stronger and prepared for further, very serious competition. This, of course, should have an impact on the entire Russian economy, and be reflected in a positive way," Putin said, speaking to investors at his Novo Ogarevo residence outside Moscow on Wednesday.


According to Putin, the government and Russia's Central Bank have the resources to maintain stability, and their main task is to minimize the negative economic effects of the market crisis on ordinary citizens. The president added that the state would do everything necessary to guarantee the safety of national and foreign investments in Russia, and to minimize investment risks.


Putin made the comments before bankers and representatives of investment firms including Altera Capital, RTR-Global, Almaz Capital Partners, VTB Bank, Yandex and the Russian Direct Investment Fund, with Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin also in attendance.


On Tuesday, Russia's Finance Ministry indicated that it did not expect an economic recession as a result of the global market downturn, and said that it had mechanisms in place to account for the loss of oil and gas budget revenues. The Ministry also calculated that the country's sovereign wealth fund has accumulated enough liquidity in the form of $150 billion in assets to compensate for lower revenues from oil even if prices remained at the $25-$30 a barrel mark for the next six to ten years.

Anonymous ID: 2837c3 March 11, 2020, 12:31 p.m. No.8379282   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Trump Campaign Accuses Twitter Of Ignoring ‘Manipulated Media’ Policy Complaints


President Donald Trump’s 2020 campaign has released yet another attack on Twitter after the social media giant accused the campaign of posting “manipulated media,” and then proceeded to ignore the campaign’s appeals.


The Wednesday statement, obtained exclusively by the Daily Caller, pertains to a newly-announced policy from Twitter to mark certain content as “manipulated media” if it appears to be deceptively edited. A Trump campaign video of former Vice President Joe Biden was among the first to receive this label, but the campaign argued in a letter to Twitter that the video is unedited, and that other candidates have posted edited content unmolested.


The new statement in full, from Trump Campaign Communications Director Tim Murtaugh:


“As of Wednesday at 2pm ET, the Trump campaign has not received any response from Twitter to our letter sent Monday. This delay is wildly discouraging, given that Twitter has taken it upon itself to start policing video clips, yet has provided zero insight into their decision-making.”


“Three critical questions remain unanswered: Why was the Trump campaign’s video labeled “manipulated” when it was unaltered? Why has the doctored and deceptively edited Biden campaign video not received a “manipulated” label? Most importantly, would Joe Biden’s video still had been given a free pass if it had been posted after the new policy took effect?


In the middle of a presidential campaign, Twitter has a clear responsibility to inform everyone what their new enforcement standards are, and to equally apply those standards to all parties. Unless Twitter is seeking to become a tool for the Democrat Party to censor content they don’t like, they must answer the above questions as soon as possible.”


The video in question, posted by Trump Communications Director Dan Scavino and retweeted by Trump, cut off the end of Biden’s sentence but did not change any of his words

Anonymous ID: 2837c3 March 11, 2020, 12:32 p.m. No.8379294   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9317 >>9495 >>9646

DEA-Led Operation Nets More Than 600 Arrests Targeting Cártel Jalisco Nueva Generación

Anonymous ID: 2837c3 March 11, 2020, 12:34 p.m. No.8379315   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Phony immigration attorney filed more than 215 fraudulent asylum applications


TAMPA, Fla. – U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) is looking for additional victims of a Tampa area man charged Monday with a 25-count indictment including eight counts of mail fraud, eight counts of making false statements in immigration documents, and nine counts of aggravated identity theft. This case was investigated by HSI, the United States Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS), and Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office.


According to the indictment, Elvis Harold Reyes, 56, of Brandon, owned and operated EHR Ministries Inc., and portrayed himself as an immigration attorney, pastor, accountant, immigration expert, former immigration official and former federal law enforcement officer. Reyes is not and has never been a licensed attorney. Reyes targeted undocumented immigrants from Spanish-speaking countries who were seeking Florida driver licenses and work authorization. He gave false, inaccurate and incomplete legal and immigration advice to victims in order to induce them to retain his services and those of EHR Ministries.


Any person who was, or knows of someone who may have been, a possible victim is urged to contact the Homeland Security Investigations at 1-866-DHS-2ICE or


Victims retained and paid Reyes to represent them in immigration-related matters before USCIS and other agencies. Reyes allegedly filed fraudulent immigration applications in the victims’ names, seeking asylum relief and withholding-of-removal protections provided for under the United Nations Convention Against Torture. In doing so, Reyes falsified answers to questions in the asylum applications—fabricating stories about threats, persecution, and the applicants’ fear of returning to their native countries. Reyes did not inform the victims of the answers that he had provided on their behalf. He also did not inform the victims about the legal, administrative, and other immigration-related consequences that might follow from filing for asylum relief or for Convention Against Torture protection.


If convicted, Reyes faces a maximum penalty of 20 years in federal prison for each count of mail fraud, up to 15 years’ imprisonment for each false statement count, and a mandatory, consecutive term of two years’ imprisonment for the aggravated identity theft counts.