Anonymous ID: 79e294 March 11, 2020, 12:21 p.m. No.8379176   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9212 >>9256 >>9410

>>8378653 (lb)

>>8378666 (lb)

>>8378675 (lb)

The breadth/depth of PornHub's popularity is only a symptom of the real problem, and after the real story behind this story broke, I'm certain lots of people did a double take. Yes, the "Girls Do Porn" shoots were scams, and we could go back and forth to talk about the motivations of those that willingly participated (after realizing what was going on), and those that sued after seeing their vids posted online. That's not what this post is about.



Anons get their jollies from time to time. It's the least productive thing you could do with your time, and everyone's guilty of it, at some point, whether it's using your imagination or watching some quick clips online to "get it out of the way" to return to whatever you were working on when the mood struck you to begin with.


The problem is this story broke the sad reality that actual trafficking victims were being posted there. There's tons of stuff to get your jollies, and for the most part, the amateur stuff really started taking off since internet porn became a thing. That's the lure. I'm sure lots of anons could take comfort in the occasional guilty pleasure thing until this story broke. Even if the female seems to be really enjoying themselves in the process and has the look of a fully developed adult woman, as it turns out, you never know which accounts are uploading actual CP. Some of these victims were as young as 15 in the posts. 15.


58 videos featuring this poor girl (kept in custody by her trafficker for a year) were posted there, and kept on PornHub. Think about that shit for a second. Porn hub was literally endorsing trafficking, CP, and attempting to mainstream/normalize it. This shit needs to end; period.If you are of the Libertarian persuasion and think that porn should be legal or protected 1st amendment right, but limited to adult consumption, you are short sighted. Realize that it's nearly impossible to expect any sort of self-regulation in that industry, and it almost always leads to this, in the end. The smut, the CP, trafficking; all of it.


The logical conclusion is that these types of sites always lead to the same thing, repeatedly, with no way to responsibly regulate it. The pervs will ensure to continually push boundaries into things beyond the "norm" or legal. This fight we're engaged in, here, is coming to this eventual reality. It would behoove every anon to seriously ponder this in earnest. I don't think there's a real future for the great awakening with porn available at your fingertips like it is now. The temptation is too great for too many, and most importantly, our youth need to develop healthier understandings of how sexual relationships should be.


Our world, and its people, need healing. Societal morality cannot recover or return to grace with this nonsense running rampant at the click of a mouse. People need to wake up to this, and soon. If the plan is progressing as rapidly as it seems with operations going on all over the place during the corona "hype", then the networks that literally fund these operations (Pornhub and the like) are in the crosshairs right now. The politics/petitions and people that are behind movements to get rid of these sites are the best recourse we have to get the people behind its removal.


It has to end. There's no other way around it. We're all human, and we're going to make mistakes. When they happen, dust yourself off, move on, and keep fighting, but realize what exactly we're fighting for, here. This goes way beyond petty politics and differences of opinion. We're saving our children. There is no other fight more important than this.

Anonymous ID: 79e294 March 11, 2020, 12:34 p.m. No.8379319   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


>Youโ€™re bound to get pushback

I fully expect that post to get pushback, but it needed to be said. I'll shut up about it from here on out, but what we're dealing with should be very plain to see, by now.

Anonymous ID: 79e294 March 11, 2020, 12:42 p.m. No.8379399   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


>getting mad at pedovores for the way they feed is like getting made at the rain for being wet.

Normalization of perversions will not make it in the future that lies ahead. This is precisely the reason I made the long post in this thread about Pornhub.

Anonymous ID: 79e294 March 11, 2020, 12:47 p.m. No.8379440   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


It's hidden in plain view, usually amateur content, and right there in the results pane as you're scrolling. That's why there's a petition with 400k plus signatures to get the site taken down.


They put up a front like they are screening it, but a fake ID is easy to make, and Pornhub literally doesn't validate those IDs with local authorities.