Anonymous ID: b2cd2e March 11, 2020, 12:26 p.m. No.8379227   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9269


exactly what Q was designed for

those who would notice or care are relaxed and comfortable

unprepared or unwilling to stand up and fight for freedom

believing somebody else will do for you, that which you will not for yourself,

PDJT reauthorized the Patriot act same as Obama

why protect the 2A when it's designed to protect all other rights, if you refuse to be compelled to use (you already let the government still your rights, and stood idle)

slow pot frog boil

the USA is still under a gold fringed flag and admiralty law, and the new system is being designed and implemented without your knowledge or input.

Good men stood by and did nothing for too long, and through personal choice abandoned the responsibility of keeping our Republic.

You are witnessing the loading of the weapon and stock pilling of ammo that will bring us all to our knees and under a OWO

Q bought your masters more time, while both learning who you are and locating you, for the plan (roundup) must go smooth in order the sheep willfully follow their new Sheppard



like faith in their bible and God, reserved to just viewing l

Anonymous ID: b2cd2e March 11, 2020, 12:56 p.m. No.8379529   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9555

you didn't think that CS increased CV funding to 8.5 Billion because the cabal knew martial law requires lots of money, and why let a great crisis go to waste

welcome to martial law and the realization you were /are sheep

the scenarios have been run, country too divided, civil war imminent because placated idle anons thought they could keep what they had and not risk anything be richly rewarded with more freedom & materialism


Oh wait LG will have a hearing

MSM will not be challenged

the propagandized sheeple will continue to graze what ever pasture their ordered on

apparently only evil and misguided can act, the good stand down and give the evil it's power to pursue their goals

mankind together can defeat the enemy, mankind hiding in secret rooms achieve nothing but idle complacency gaining only what the victors will give

think Grey State

that is what is on the horizon

rig for red

a sea of blood


see the ribbon

Anonymous ID: b2cd2e March 11, 2020, 1:15 p.m. No.8379717   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Full Force


Martial Law

8.5 $Billion, TY CS

what happens post is the question

the excitement is the unknown

not confirmation that your POV is correct

So tonight's rumored POTUS PC is to announce……..