Buttstuff softcore
Nappy ass
Turd goblins
Flapping homo hooker sphincter pride
Freaky pelican
Fuck you
Xenuites toilet golf
Hams yammering Babel
Finger in butt craveing of das paperclip uberfehgel
Wtf is wrong with that dude
Faggot salad spam fear mongerers
Tin man Jew whine
Fronthole fart noises
Some Faggots masturbation fantasy
Real pedo jargon
Walrusjew tard
Homo yearnings of yammering Babel piggies
No one fucks that tranny still
What kind of retard makes memes like that and thinks the are funny
Flat turd earth fexas jewbeef
Babels in homo
Full of homo
Has electrolytes
What kind of hobbitsexual Danielfaggot retard makes that kind of meme
All these butts swearing to cock
For feltcher tokens
Bizarre huh
Flat turd earth Texas has tranny grease
And bribed hobbitsexuals in xenutology tsipraism economics
As spiritual as sorosanon blow in a Forrest of Faggots on the way to mordor
Let's pray to pedogarch
May its flapping homo hooker sphincter
Swampgas us for red rockets and foreign shekels
And obaMA buttseks some hobbitsexuals so the frickin four part novels would end
Mile marker 11 us 185