Anonymous ID: 3a629b March 11, 2020, 2:02 p.m. No.8380210   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0237 >>0314


List of businessmen labelled as robber barons


1901 US cartoon from Puck depicting John D. Rockefeller as a powerful monarch.

The people here are listed in Josephson, Robber Barons or in the cited source,


John Jacob Astor (real estate, fur) – New York

Andrew Carnegie (steel) – Pittsburgh and New York

William A. Clark (copper) – Butte, Montana[20]

Jay Cooke (finance) – Philadelphia

Charles Crocker (railroads) – California

Daniel Drew (finance) – New York

James Buchanan Duke (tobacco, electric power) – Durham, North Carolina

James Dunsmuir (coal, lumber) - Victoria, BC Canada[21]

Marshall Field (retail) – Chicago[22]

James Fisk (finance) – New York

Henry Morrison Flagler (Standard Oil, railroads) – New York and Florida[23]

Henry Clay Frick (steel) – Pittsburgh and New York

John Warne Gates (barbed wire, oil) – Texas[24]

Jay Gould (railroads) – New York[25]

Edward Henry Harriman (railroads) – New York[26]

James J. Hill (fuel, coal, steamboats, railroads) - St Paul, Minnesota

Charles T. Hinde (railroads, water transport, shipping, hotels) – Illinois, Missouri, Kentucky, California

Mark Hopkins (railroads) – California

Collis Potter Huntington (railroads) – California

Andrew W. Mellon (finance, oil) – Pittsburgh

J. P. Morgan (finance, industrial consolidation) – New York

John Cleveland Osgood (coal mining, iron) – Colorado[27]

Henry B. Plant (railroads) – Florida[28]

William Randolph Hearst (media mogul) - California[29][30]

John D. Rockefeller (Standard Oil) – Cleveland, New York

Henry Huttleston Rogers (Standard Oil; copper), New York[31]

A. S. W. Rosenbach (antique bookdealer) - Philadelphia[32]

Charles M. Schwab (steel) – Pittsburgh and New York

Joseph Seligman (banking) – New York

John D. Spreckels (water transport, railroads, sugar) – California

Leland Stanford (railroads) – California

Cornelius Vanderbilt (water transport, railroads) – New York[33]

Charles Tyson Yerkes (street railroads) – Chicago[34]

Anonymous ID: 3a629b March 11, 2020, 2:09 p.m. No.8380269   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0332


>Jay Gould involved in a steamboat explosion


The Boiler of the Steamer Riverdale Explodes in the North River-The Vessel Shattered to Pieces and Passengers and Crew Hurled Into the Stream-The Killed and Injured.


The steam yachts of Jay Gould and E. S. Jaffray were lying at the foot of West Twenty-third street at the time. Both Gould and Jaffray had just gone ashore when the accident occurred. Upon hearing the explosion they immediately turned about, and, putting out to the scene of the wreck in their gigs, ordered their yachts to follow without delay. Both engaged in the work of giving aid whenever needed with great zeal. When their yachts appeared all who were in sight in the water had been picked up. The rescued were taken ashore and sent to their homes in this city, or put on board the steamer Christenah for their destination up the river. The injured and dead were taken to the foot of West Thirteenth street, where the entire ambulance force of the city had been summoned. an unsuccessful effort was made by tugs to tow the wrecked hull to the Jersey shore, but it was finally abandoned. The following is a list of those known to be killed:

Anonymous ID: 3a629b March 11, 2020, 2:13 p.m. No.8380309   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The Budget box has been used to carry the Chancellor's speech from Number 11 to the House of Commons for more than 150 years. The word 'budget' came into English use in the 15th century via an old French word, bougette, meaning "little bag".


It was customary to bring the statement on financial policy to the House of Commons in a leather bag until 1860, when then-Chancellor William Ewart Gladstone commissioned a wooden box, lined in black satin and covered in scarlet leather.


Since then, three updated red boxes have been used. George Osborne used the Gladstone Box for his first Budget in 2010 but used a new box in 2011.


Red boxes, or sometimes ministerial boxes, are a type of despatch boxes[1] produced by Barrow & Gale and are used by ministers in the British government and the British monarch to carry government documents. Similar in appearance to a briefcase, they are primarily used to hold and transport official departmental papers. Red boxes are one modern form of despatch boxes, which have been in government use for centuries. Despatch boxes of a considerably different design remain in use in the lower house chamber of the British and Australian parliaments; these boxes hold religious books, but are also used as lecterns by front bench members.