Anonymous ID: 7d0e5b March 11, 2020, 1:19 p.m. No.8379760   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9770 >>9860 >>0096

Over 600 Alleged Members of Mexican Cartel Arrested Thanks to Trump Executive Order


Over 600 alleged members of Mexico’s Cártel de Jalisco Nueva Generación (CJNG) have been arrested in the last six months thanks to an executive order signed by President Donald Trump in 2017.


The crackdown effort, named “Project Python,” is an interagency operation to take a tougher stance against Mexican cartels by the Department of Justice (DOJ) and Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA).


The effort has lead to 600 arrests, 350 indictments and “significant seizures of money and drugs” over the past few months.


The cartel, according to the DOJ, has been active in Los Angeles, New York City, Chicago, Houston and Atlanta.


“Project Python marks the most comprehensive action to date in the Department of Justice’s campaign to disrupt, dismantle, and ultimately destroy CJNG,” Assistant Attorney General Brian A. Benczkowski said in a statement obtained by The Hill.


According to Benczkowski, the project was made possible by Trump’s executive order which directed federal law enforcement to use the Threat Mitigation Working Group to crack down on cartels.


“When President Trump signed an Executive Order prioritizing the dismantlement of transnational criminal organizations, the Department of Justice answered the call and took direct aim at CJNG. We deemed CJNG one of the highest-priority transnational organized crime threats we face,” he said. “And with Project Python, we are delivering results in the face of that threat for the American people.”


On Wednesday, the agencies also announced a superseding indictment against Nemesio Ruben Oseguera Cervantes, the leader of the cartel. His son was extradited to the US from Mexico last month on drug trafficking charges. His daughter has also been arrested for financial crimes.

Anonymous ID: 7d0e5b March 11, 2020, 1:20 p.m. No.8379773   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9936

How Chronic Stress Changes The Brain – And What You Can Do To Reverse The Damage


A bit of stress is a normal part of our daily lives, which can even be good for us. Overcoming stressful events can make us more resilient. But when the stress is severe or chronic – for example caused by the breakdown of a marriage or partnership, death in the family or bullying – it needs to be dealt with immediately.


That’s because repeated stress can have a huge impact on our brain, putting us at risk of a number of physical and psychological problems.


Repeated stress is a major trigger for persistent inflammation in the body. Chronic inflammation can lead to a range of health problems, including diabetes and heart disease. The brain is normally protected from circulating molecules by a blood-brain barrier. But under repeated stress, this barrier becomes leaky and circulating inflammatory proteins can get into the brain.


The brain’s hippocampus is a critical brain region for learning and memory, and is particularly vulnerable to such insults. Studies in humans have shown that inflammation can adversely affect brain systems linked to motivation and mental agility.


There is also evidence of chronic stress effects on hormones in the brain, including cortisol and corticotropin releasing factor (CRF). High, prolonged levels of cortisol have been associated with mood disorders as well as shrinkage of the hippocampus. It can also cause many physical problems, including irregular menstrual cycles.

Mood, cognition and behaviour


It is well established that chronic stress can lead to depression, which is a leading cause of disability worldwide. It is also a recurrent condition – people who have experienced depression are at risk for future bouts of depression, particularly under stress.


There are many reasons for this, and they can be linked to changes in the brain. The reduced hippocampus that a persistent exposure to stress hormones and ongoing inflammation can cause is more commonly seen in depressed patients than in healthy people.


Chronic stress ultimately also changes the chemicals in the brain which modulate cognition and mood, including serotonin. Serotonin is important for mood regulation and wellbeing. In fact, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors(SSRIs) are used to restore the functional activity of serotonin in the brain in people with depression.


Sleep and circadian rhythm disruption is a common feature in many psychiatric disorders, including depression and anxiety. Stress hormones, such as cortisol, play a key modulatory role in sleep. Elevated cortisol levels can therefore interfere with our sleep. The restoration of sleep patterns and circadian rhythms may therefore provide a treatment approach for these conditions.


Depression can have huge consequences. Our own work has demonstrated that depression impairs cognition in both non-emotional domains, such as planning and problem-solving, and emotional and social areas, such as creating attentional bias to negative information.


In addition to depression and anxiety, chronic stress and its impact at work can lead to burnout symptoms, which are also linked to increased frequency of cognitive failures in daily life. As individuals are required to take on increased workload at work or school, it may lead to reduced feelings of achievement and increased susceptibility to anxiety, creating a vicious cycle.


Stress can also interfere with our balance between rational thinking and emotions. For example, the stressful news about the global spread of the novel Coronavirus has caused people to hoard hand sanitisers, tissues and toilet paper. Shops are becoming empty of these supplies, despite reassurance by the government that there is plenty of stock available.


This is because stress may force the brain to switch to a “habit system”. Under stress, brain areas such as the putamen, a round structure at the base of the forebrain, show greater activation. Such activation has been associated with hoarding behaviour. In addition, in stressful situations, the ventromedial prefrontal cortex, which plays a role in emotional cognition – such as evaluation of social affiliations and learning about fear – may enhance irrational fears. Eventually, these fears essentially override the brain’s usual ability for cold, rational decision-making.

Anonymous ID: 7d0e5b March 11, 2020, 1:27 p.m. No.8379847   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9864 >>9898 >>9988 >>0059 >>0149 >>0256 >>0471

U.S. Army Abandons $1B Iron Dome Project After Israel Refuses to Share Source Code U.S. Paid For


Even though the US has given Israel over $142 billion in aid and is slated to hand over another $40 billion any day now, Israel has refused to hand over source code they wrote for an Iron Dome missile defense system that was funded by US taxpayers.


From The Times of Israel, "US Army scraps $1b. Iron Dome project, after Israel refuses to provide key codes":


The US Army said it was curbing its plans to adopt the Iron Dome missile defense system due to concerns about its compatibility with existing US technologies, scrapping its plans to buy two more batteries and explore long-term integration of the Israel-developed system.


A central problem was Israel’s refusal to provide the US military with Iron Dome’s source code, hampering the Americans’ ability to integrate the system into their air defenses.


[…] The Army earmarked over $1 billion for the project to pluck select Iron Dome components and integrate them with US military’s Integrated Battle Command System by 2023.


The Israeli Missile Defense Organization and the Army last August inked a deal for two Iron Dome batteries. Soon thereafter, according to sources, Army officials repeatedly requested Iron Dome "source code" — proprietary information detailing how the system works.


Israel supplied engineering information but ultimately declined to provide the source code the Army said it needed to integrate Iron Dome components with US systems.


[…] Since 2011, Congress has provided Israel more than $1.5 billion to produce Iron Dome batteries, developed by Rafael Advanced Defense Systems. In August 2011, Raytheon and Rafael — which partnered on David’s Sling, a US-Israeli cooperative missile defense development program — announced an agreement to allow Raytheon to market Iron Dome in the United States.


AIPAC was boasting about the US "investing" over $1 billion in an Iron Dome project last month during the AIPAC 2020 conference and had a display of one of the missile systems in the venue's basement.


Truly our greatest ally.

Anonymous ID: 7d0e5b March 11, 2020, 1:28 p.m. No.8379859   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9988 >>0059 >>0149 >>0256 >>0332 >>0471

Repo update–$281 Billion has been borrowed by banks in Repo operations in the past two days. This is a two-day record, by far.


What are repo operations?


Typically, banks lend to each other, in overnight loans. Banks have capital requirements, meaning they have to keep a certain amount of money to comply with federal rules. But because banks like to eek out as much profit as possible, sometimes they fall short of their capital requirement and have to borrow those funds from other banks at the end of the day.


Well…….something happened. Banks stopped lending to each other. Well, technically, they stopped lending to each other at low rates. So they were requiring upwards of 10% interest and beyond for these overnight loans.


So the Fed stepped in and started making these overnight loans at lower rates.


The Fed and banks will describe repo operations as “liquidity, or oil, that keeps the cogs of the banking system running smoothly.” But a more honest definition would be: “some banks are irresponsible and greedy and don’t have the self control to comply with capital requirements. The more responsible banks don’t trust these irresponsible banks so they stopped loaning cheap money to them. So the Fed had to step in, create money out of nothing via the Mandrake Mechanism, and loan money to these banks.”


If you’ve been keeping track, Fed said they’d stop making these loans very quickly. But they’re still making them. And the loans are getting bigger.


In the last two days alone, the Fed has made $281 billion in overnight loans. This is a record, by far. We will soon have a week where weekly repo operations consist of $1 trillion in loans.


Follow repo operations here. The repo amounts are the bold numbers under the “Accepted” column.


Who is requiring these loans? Fed won’t tell us until two years from now.


Last note: read “The Creature from Jekyll Island” if you want to learn more about this terrific, faultless, wonderful institution called the Federal Reserve.

Anonymous ID: 7d0e5b March 11, 2020, 1:31 p.m. No.8379888   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Netanyahu: Government to provide NIS 10b. package to assist economy


The financial package is an extension of an NIS 4b. loan fund for affected businesses that was announced by Netanyahu at a cabinet meeting on Sunday, and could be extended further if necessary.


The government will supply NIS 10 billion ($2.81b.) in “first aid” to assist the Israeli economy in overcoming the impact of the novel coronavirus outbreak, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Wednesday.


The funds will be provided in the form of loans to businesses, a cash injection into the healthcare system and other essential services.


“We are following developments closely, and the coronavirus has had a great economic impact on the global and Israeli economy,” Netanyahu said at a press conference, emphasizing that Israel has entered the crisis with a strong economy and low unemployment. “Our program is to enable continued operation of the economy. We are doing it with an immediate package of NIS 10 billion,” he said.


The financial package represents an extension of a NIS 4b. loan fund for affected businesses that was announced by Netanyahu at a cabinet meeting on Sunday. It could be extended further if necessary.


An additional NIS 4b. ($1.13b.) will be on offer to businesses in the form of low-interest loans, NIS 1b. ($280m.) will be supplied to strengthen the healthcare system, and a final NIS 1b. ($280m.) will focus on “special needs” – bolstering services, including the Israel Police, Fire and Rescue Services and the Prisons Service.


Financial support for the struggling aviation industry, including flagship carrier El Al and airlines Israir and Arkia, will be provided separately from the aid package, Netanyahu said.


El Al is planning to place 80% of its 6,300 employees on unpaid leave as revenues drop amid the coronavirus outbreak, Israeli media reported. Some 600 of the airline’s 650 pilots are among the 4,000 employees expected to be placed on leave by the company, Channel 12 reported. A representative for the company declined to comment.


Ahead of the cuts, expected to take place in the coming days, the Israeli Employment Service said it would offer a range of professional training courses and alternative employment opportunities to El Al employees.


In a filing to the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange on Wednesday, El Al said the extension of self-quarantine requirements to all individuals arriving in Israel was expected to have a “fundamentally adverse effect” on the company’s operations.

Prior to blanket quarantine requirements introduced by the government on Monday, El Al said it expected revenues between January and April to drop by $140m.-$160m. The airline said it is now unable to estimate the extent of the damage. El Al said it would continue to make “operational and commercial adjustments” to its operations based on demand, adding that it would likely cancel many flights.


Businesses applying for loans should be able to receive assistance within seven to nine days, Finance Minister Moshe Kahlon said.

Anonymous ID: 7d0e5b March 11, 2020, 1:41 p.m. No.8379994   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Israeli rabbi: Coronavirus outbreak is divine punishment for gay pride parades


Meir Mazuz falsely claims Arab states spared, because they ‘don’t have this evil inclination’; modern Orthodox group blasts him for ‘inciting against the LGBT community’


An Orthodox Israeli rabbi has claimed the spread of the deadly coronavirus in Israel and around the world is divine retribution for gay pride parades.


The remarks by Rabbi Meir Mazuz, reported by the Israel Hayom daily on Sunday, drew condemnation from rights groups, including the Anti-Defamation League, which urged him to apologize.


An influential Sephardic rabbi, Mazuz is the former spiritual leader of the defunct ultra-nationalist and homophobic Yachad party, and is head of the Kiseh Rahamim yeshiva in Bnei Brak.


On Saturday night he gave a talk at the yeshiva, during which, according to the report, he said a pride parade is “a parade against nature, and when someone goes against nature, the one who created nature takes revenge on him.”


Mazuz said that countries all over the world are being called to account because of their gay pride events, “except for the Arab countries that don’t have this evil inclination.” That was why, he claimed — falsely suggesting there has only been one case of infection in the Arab world — they have not seen a spread of coronavirus.


The outbreak in Iran, one of the most serious in any country, he explained as being due to the wicked ways of Iranians and “their hatred of Israel.”


According to the newspaper, Mazuz had earlier claimed Israel would be protected from the coronavirus.


“It is regrettable that in times like these when the whole world comes together to eradicate coronavirus, Rabbi Mazuz finds it appropriate to blame the virus’s outbreak on the LGBTQ community. We harshly condemn his statements and urge him to apologize,” the ADL’s Israel branch said in a statement.


The modern Orthodox Ne’emanei Torah Va’Avodah group also condemned Mazuz’s remarks.


“Using this time of need to incite against the LGBT community is unacceptable. Trying to get people to return to religion cannot come at the price of harming others,” it said in a statement.


Israel has thus far had 39 cases of coronavirus, including 14 new cases announced on Sunday night, but no deaths.


Mazuz is no stranger to controversy or hateful rhetoric. In November 2015 he claimed gay pride parades and other forms of “sinful behavior” were the reason terrorists murdered Eitam and Naama Henkin on October 1, 2015.


At a memorial event for the Henkins, Mazuz said that their shooting death at the hands of Palestinian terrorists had been a form of divine retribution.


In 2016 Mazuz attributed the collapse of a Tel Aviv parking garage that killed six people and an explosion that destroyed the Amos-6 satellite to Shabbat desecration.


Israel has two major gay pride parades each year, one in Tel Aviv and another in the capital, Jerusalem, which is billed as promoting tolerance.

Anonymous ID: 7d0e5b March 11, 2020, 1:42 p.m. No.8380003   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Psalm 91



Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High

will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.[a]


I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress,

my God, in whom I trust.”



Surely he will save you

from the fowler’s snare

and from the deadly pestilence.


He will cover you with his feathers,

and under his wings you will find refuge;

his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.


You will not fear the terror of night,

nor the arrow that flies by day,


nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness,

nor the plague that destroys at midday.


A thousand may fall at your side,

ten thousand at your right hand,

but it will not come near you.


You will only observe with your eyes

and see the punishment of the wicked.



If you say, “The Lord is my refuge,”

and you make the Most High your dwelling,


no harm will overtake you,

no disaster will come near your tent.


For he will command his angels concerning you

to guard you in all your ways;


they will lift you up in their hands,

so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.


You will tread on the lion and the cobra;

you will trample the great lion and the serpent.



“Because he[b] loves me,” says the Lord, “I will rescue him;

I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name.


He will call on me, and I will answer him;

I will be with him in trouble,

I will deliver him and honor him.


With long life I will satisfy him

and show him my salvation.”

Anonymous ID: 7d0e5b March 11, 2020, 1:45 p.m. No.8380037   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0059 >>0149 >>0256 >>0471

Photos: Rocket Attack on Iraqi Base Hosting US Forces Kills 3 Service Members, Injures Several


US officials confirmed Wednesday that two American soldiers and one British national stationed at Iraq's Camp Taji were killed when more than 15 rockets landed on the base earlier in the day.


Speaking on the condition of anonymity, two US officials told Reuters that about a dozen US-led coalition personnel had been injured as a result of the attack, which unfolded at roughly 7:52 p.m. local time. The base is located roughly 17 miles north of Baghdad.


Photos shared online by the Iraqi Security Media Cell show three undeployed missiles loaded onto a platform hitched onto the back of a small vehicle.


Earlier, ​Col. Myles Caggins III, spokesperson for Operation Inherent Resolve, issued a tweet hours after reports first surfaced of the incident, confirming that the incident involved the use of more than 15 small rockets.

Anonymous ID: 7d0e5b March 11, 2020, 1:48 p.m. No.8380078   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0149 >>0256 >>0471

Hunter Biden Reaches Final Child Support Settlement After Months Of Stonewalling


Hunter Biden reached a final child support settlement with the mother of his Arkansas child on Tuesday night just hours after being pilloried by a judge for seeking yet another delay in the matter, according to court documents.


Hunter Biden, the son of former Vice President Joe Biden, had told Circuit Judge Holly Meyer on Tuesday that he was unable to attend a child support deposition scheduled this week due to coronavirus, his pregnant wife’s imminent due date and the “intense media scrutiny” surrounding the case.


“The court has reviewed the history of this litigation and finds that the Defendant has been given considerable leniency regarding continuances and delay,” Meyer wrote in a response to Hunter Biden on Tuesday afternoon ordering him to be physically present in Arkansas for a deposition Wednesday and a court hearing Friday.


“The defendant’s attempts to delay this case are mounting such that one begins to see a pattern of delay,” Meyer wrote, noting that Hunter Biden has filed four motions for continuance, been granted four delays in submitting financial documents for discovery and has had his deposition delayed three times.


On Wednesday morning, lawyers for the mother of his child, Lunden Alexis Roberts, told Meyer in an email that a “global, final settlement of all issues” was reached late Tuesday night.


If the settlement is approved by the court, Hunter Biden would succeed in keeping much of his finances secret from the court.


Lawyers for Roberts have since December 2019 accused Hunter Biden of refusing to provide basic information about his finances, including a list of all companies he owns or controls, his sources of income and employers for the past five years, unredacted copies of his tax returns, copies of deeds to properties he owns and more.


Hunter Biden even refused to provide the address in which he resides and his telephone number, Roberts’s attorney said in a January court filing.


The financial records sought from Hunter Biden would have included information relating to his work with the Ukrainian gas company Burisma, on whose board Hunter Biden served from 2014 through 2019.