TP Panic
TP panic… if it exists… would be indicative of an organized 'man-made-folly'… another way to say forced panic.
But, note 'organized', wiping a store clean of the better kinds of TP happens often enough. In the end, many have become very, not pliable, in final selection. Those with a busy Holiday going down, often learn to tank up early on paper supply… to get issue they want. However, to flush a store, especially a big box, of the whole selection of TP, I suggest is no accident, that is, it did not roll-out by coincidental timing.
So, are we to believe a bug resembling flu, which we call common, caused a whole bunch of our fellow citizens to fly to the store to hoard TP and apparently TP only. And all of a sudden they threw normal pickiness to the breeze for the ease of purchasing the stuff they really do not use. Sorry, I DO NOT THINK SO. I smell stinking plan… a rash flash, to manipulate, to fester and grow further folly, to trash public confidence. At bottom line, this has the sense, sent and scent of a SOROS.
Some would think I live in a panic zone… I mean annually we are subjected to the threat of some of the most monstrous storms in the country, this not that season. We do not panic, we take in each as the next good stride. Furthermore, for 20 years I worked inventory in a mammoth facility in a very big State serving the whole State and beyond. We were iconic in routine commodities, I'm retired since POTUS in office. TP was/is by truck loads, almost daily. First, in the chain, in the bowels of the many chains, supply is abundant and very regular. TP supply does not become constipated. Second, this is a commodity of constant use, thus constant flow. Rate of use remains constant irregardless of storm, power outages, quarantine. Batteries, cleaning supplies, bottled water, many such things spike in use when and where storms hit. Striving to think 'panic' deciding to privately sit atop hoarded TP… does not sit well with me. Yea, maybe a few may grab a little extra for home use like holiday planning. Easter is close, all sales will increase including extra TP… fully anticipated, predictable, decades ago. Those who have it will not use it faster, if quarantined… or maybe little bit more briefly due to extra water consumption, a minimal fluctuation, and that too quit routine over the whole flow of it all. Cold, flue, illnesses are all very real and very common. Home use may increase, proportioned to decline of work use… yet individual use remains constant, meaning National use remains constant. This has been known for eons. TP just keeps rolling.
However, in a store setting, we all know, TP is a very bulky, highly visible, display. So if you want to force-feed folly down America's throat, one neat and simple trick would be to order all your flu-nkies to rush out and hoard TP… everyone understanding it is just early, premature purchase and though it is wasted it will not go to waste, in the end. Store shelves in short term deplete, some consumers wave panic flag. What is the impact? First, illusion of panic, big empty shelves. Second a bunch sit on a supply that will last a long while, meaning no further purchases of the commodity for them any time soon. January is always a bit of a slow month, including TP. Third, not only are shelves flagged but the hoarders are flagged because purchase was likely by credit card. Such a sort was always beyond my access, one company only, but not short of know-how. It would be a crappy task to sort it all out by hand job, but I would find it very entertaining to write code to flush out the facts paper free, every chain, nation wide. If Q wants, those sitting atop hoards of TP are busted, flagged up the… don't back yourself up over this sort of…
Fourth, we are going to look back and laugh at ourselves over all of this. Sure this is serious, but serious has never stopped people from being down right stupid. Lynch mops happen. A flash on TP is the snake oil of these days. It argues against 'socialism', TP hoarding is the look of herd mentality. 'Group think' becomes the super-highway for one or a few to rule over all, freedom lost. Go buy TP. Independent sorts are quick to laugh at flunky twisting and turning on herd whims. Sky does not fall. This is good time to ridicule the horde of TP hoarders sitting at basement computer, trying to stuff the stuff in their ancient dot matrix printers printing little signs, 'Joe Flushed Bernie.' Cobwebs on the placards because nobody crowds around the Joe of no show, the gaffe show, ah-oh, Virus fear you know. Levels of laughter are many.