Anonymous ID: 2fc9e4 March 11, 2020, 3:57 p.m. No.8381399   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1417 >>1852 >>2061 >>2070 >>2072

It Was All Crap!… Top Intel Official Says NO EVIDENCE Russia Is Interfering in 2020 Election Despite Previous Junk Reports by Liberal Media


Never Forget: The Liberal Mainstream Media Is ALWAYS Lying to You


In late February The New York Times reported that intel officials warned House lawmakers that Russia was interfering in the 2020 campaign to try to get Trump reelected.


The New York Times article offered no proof of its claims and sounded like an old story from 2016 cleverly rewritten (by Adam Schiff?) to sound shiny and new.


The Times reported that Trump was outraged that the classified report was shared with Adam Schiff and the House Intelligence Committee because Adam Schiff is a leaker and liar.


Like clockwork, all the usual suspects and fake news outlets came out and attacked President Trump after the Times dropped the latest Russia hoax.


Former CIA Director John Brennan accused President Trump of “abetting a Russian covert operation” to win the 2020 election to advance “Moscow’s interests, not America’s.”


But it was all crap.


It was just another liberal media hoax.


On Tuesday the head of counterintelligence William Evanina told lawmakers there is NO EVIDENCE Russia is interfering in the 2020 election.


The Washington Post reported:


A senior U.S. intelligence official told Congress on Tuesday that the intelligence community does not as yet have evidence that Russia is interfering in the 2020 election to benefit a particular candidate, according to four officials familiar with the closed briefings in the House and Senate.


The head of national counterintelligence, William Evanina, appeared to be tempering an assessment delivered to lawmakers in the House last month that Russia had developed a “preference” for President Trump — an assessment that angered the president when he was told that it had been given to lawmakers, said the officials, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because the sessions were classified.


Evanina told senators that the Russians “continue to be broadly engaged in social media activities designed to divide us further, to discredit our electoral system and to disrupt our election,” said one official present at the all-members meeting.


In the Senate, Evanina’s carefully worded answer came in response to the first question asked — by Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (Ky.) — and “felt orchestrated,” said a second official, who was briefed on the meeting. “Both question and response were clearly pre-drafted.”

Anonymous ID: 2fc9e4 March 11, 2020, 3:58 p.m. No.8381414   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1440

JOHN SOLOMON: Newly Declassified Memos Show FBI’s Russia Collusion Case Fell Apart in First Month of Trump Presidency


The FBI’s Russia collusion case fell apart within the first couple weeks of Trump’s presidency, yet Mueller accepted his appointment as special counsel and continued his $35 million witch hunt anyway.


According to award-winning investigative journalist John Solomon, Mueller was aware that in early 2017 there was no Russian collusion yet he pressed on and forced Trump’s associates to plead guilty to unrelated process crimes.


According to declassified memos, the Steele dossier was debunked in January of 2017 and the idea that General Mike Flynn was a Russian asset was also ruled out at the same time.


Yet the Deep State continued with damaging leaks to the media claiming Flynn was working on behalf of Russia.


Flynn’s lawyer Sidney Powell confirmed that Mueller was aware of a letter sent to Flynn in January of 2017 questioning Christopher Steele’s credibility.


According to John Solomon, the British government “hand-delivered” the letter to Flynn’s legal team that “totally disavowed any credibility of Christopher Steele, and would have completely destroyed the Russia collusion narrative,” Sidney Powell said.


“I was told that a copy of the document would have been given to [then-National Security Adviser] Susan Rice as well,” Powell added. “So the Obama administration knew full well that the entire Russia collusion mess was a farce.”


Via John Solomon:


The piecemeal release of FBI files in the Russia collusion investigation has masked an essential fact: James Comey’s G-men had substantially debunked the theory that Donald Trump’s campaign conspired with Moscow by the time the 45th president was settling into the Oval Office, according to declassified memos, court filings and interviews.


In rapid fire sequence in January 2017, U.S. officials:


received multiple warnings about the credibility of informant Christopher Steele and his dossier;

affirmed key targets of the FBI counterintelligence investigation made exculpatory statements denying collusion to undercover sources;

concluded retired Lt. Gen. Mike Flynn, Trump’s first national security adviser, was not engaged in collusion with the Russians.


Flynn’s motion is confirmed by a 2018 letter obtained by Just the News between Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s office and defense lawyers. It shows the DOJ exoneration memo was written after Flynn had been interviewed by FBI agents in January 2017 and after the government learned the former Defense Intelligence Agency chief had kept his old agency briefed on his contacts with Russia, something that weighed heavily against the notion he was aiding Moscow.


“According to an internal DOJ memo dated January 30, 2017, after the Jan. 24 interview, the FBI advised that based on the interview the FBI did not believe Flynn was acting as an agent of Russia,” Mueller’s team wrote in the letter.


These newly declassified memos along with the rebuke from presiding FISA judge James Boasberg where he ruled two of the FISA warrants against Carter Page invalid should be enough to prosecute everyone involved.