Hebrews (Noah) brought Luna/Ishtar to Earth/Heart when they came here so long ago.
Think Flood.
Did the Hebrews upset the balance of this plane(t) when they reordered the stars?
Hebrews (Noah) brought Luna/Ishtar to Earth/Heart when they came here so long ago.
Think Flood.
Did the Hebrews upset the balance of this plane(t) when they reordered the stars?
You poor normies…
This is not a time to reinvest in fiat.
Instead, this is the time to invest in non-fiat.
There's too many of you that hardly understand what's going on.
We're in the midst of an economic collapse so that we can restructure the economy. /ourguys/ have a plan to unseat the central banks and return the power of economics to the people. We can't just take a huge amount of money away from [them] all of a sudden because then [they] could win and just do the same to us. Instead, we have to find outside means to correct the economic structure of our nation.
This FF is a perfect opportunity to force sell offs so that we can take that liquid everyone has and built up a new economic system.
POTUS has hinted many times that we're looking at money that will have real value.
Think JFK.
You've been warned.
Of course they ring a bell, anon.
Are you going to mail your silver certificates to your friend overseas?
Norman may not tpyically care if we have no digital transfer of assets, but Big Dick Billy with his international business will be pissed once Credit collapses.
Trust me when I say this, I'm genuinely not that smart.
Too many seem to overlook the general population in this place. Most onlookers are normies now.
It's our duty to prepare them.
I do not mean to pull out my dick here. This isn't me trying to tell all of you something you don't know, but me trying to help Norman looking on, mouth agape, who has no idea what to do with his wallet once he finds out those green tree shavings are worthless and always have been.
This is your warning, normies. Fucking pay attention this time.
Purchase crypto and metals.
This is not a drill.
Blockchain isn't what you think it is.
You don't know enough yet.
There are dedicated groups that look to force you off course at ever level of comprehension in this category.
Blockchain is an unfathomably valuable tool. You've seen nothing yet.
Clearly, the words I'm using are evading you…
Their plan is to force sell offs. You're to be the calm before and during the storm.
You're supposed to help people when they start freaking out.
This, anon, is how you accomplish that.
Again, this is not a drill.
Don't fucking reinvest in fiat.
You only get so many mulligans.
It's always hilarious to see how quick they deploy the damage control fags to gatekeep crypto knowledge.
<Quick! Don't let them figure out our gameplan!
Blockchain must not be conflated with fiat.
Blockchain is a technology.
Even if we're speaking of crypto, you're still wrong.
Every damn time there's been outbreaks of huge rioting/protests in other countries on the news, especially when it's been big enough to reach international news, there's been giant spikes in the cypto markets.
Quit fucking with me. I'm not here to play games with you.
Silver outpaces Gold before the decade ends.
Look at extraction rates.
This isn't investment advice. I'm saying nothing specific about what you should purchase beyond vague categories. You should all do your own research.
Even then, this isn't something I prefer to do, so quit mocking me.
Clearly you've done no research at all. Anyone that understands even the most brief of statistics knows well enough that crypto both isn't going anywhere and is only going to be more valuable over the next decade or so.
People like you that write it off entirely are duped on purpose by people that love to use it to launder money.
However, unlike them, I don't want you to buy so that I can just drop my bags on you.
Learn a thing sometimes, brainlet.
Many of you have tried to posture like this.
Too bad virtually none of you really grasp what it is that blockchain represents…
Also, there's no way crypto goes down in the next few years. That's impossible. Anyone that's studied the trends of the last few cycles will laugh in your face if you mention this.
I think you misunderstood what I was saying, or stretched it out to its conclusion, just poorly.
I actually agree with you. I don't think any big moves are made until the end of the year at the earliest.
BTC still starts to climb before then regardless.
Nobody will be made whole by this. Everyone's fiat will be drained significantly regardless.
Instead, you all need to invest in real money and things that are useful so that you can transfer your wealth accordingly, knowing that what's happening right now can hardly continue any longer.
Look, intent matters.
7 has long been the holy number.
Besides, most attribute the Google Chrome logo as being three sixes.
Just because you're beginning to recognize the numbers and their importance doesn't mean 7 has stopped being the holy number.
7 is an important number because of the seven serpents.
Too many of you fail to understand how symbolism works because you only see it as bad. Make it good. Steal it and attune your intent to it. Reverse their magick and see to it that our wielding the holy 7s comes about the right way.
Magick simply is Magick. It doesn't care which side of the pendulum you stand on. It doesn't care if you still see the world in black and white.
Don't get me wrong, you can clearly see, anon. Still, you cannot stop once you learn what the symbolism means. You must also understand why and how it's being used.