Go to 3 minutes. What do you think Trump said? Counting? Anyone catch this? Any meaning to it?
I think he perfectly times his breathing, drawing out words, etc, to use the timing to play into the occult numbers, like ending at 9:11.
It does seem like he's trolling the Fake news… Love it
They're doing a test run to test the masses mind control possibilities for the real deal they're trying to pull off in September because of the skyclock. This is a big year with major changes in the actual stars, in the heavens, the true higher education.
This just occurred to me… Even though I'm sure anons realized this a long time ago… But suicides are executions or murders. Think mirror. Up is down. I'm assuming execution because Q wouldn't promote killing yourself but would know of planned deaths.
3/11/2011 Japan tsunami. 9 years ago to the day.
Big energy.