>Coronavirus doesn't really affect kids.
>POTUS hunting pedos
Did white hats give the kids a special strain of Coronavirus to the kids to infect the pedos?
>Coronavirus doesn't really affect kids.
>POTUS hunting pedos
Did white hats give the kids a special strain of Coronavirus to the kids to infect the pedos?
>Why cant they bastards call him President.
Member how they always called Hussein "President Barack Obama"
>Something is very fucky about this beer virus.
>It feels exactly like super bomber man, but with a err.. an interestingly choosy virus, instead of dud bombs…
>And random interesting people getting muh beerbug.
Medfag here - If I wanted to wage biological warfare on the cabal, I'd use binary pathogens.
First, infect the bad guys with something that leaves them overly susceptible to something like the common cold.
Next, release a common cold that NOBODY is immune to.
The whole world catches a cold, but cabal members are the ones to drop dead.
Mind if I eat that lime?