The biggest con in the history of this nation was the election of Barack Hussein Obama. A twice played con job unlike anything this country had ever seen. He was as most of us knew, diametrically opposite of what was sold to the American people. One of, if not the best con men I've ever seen. Now we are witnessing the next con job that perhaps, will eclipse that of Obama's. The nomination of Joe Biden as the democrat candidate for President.
Anyone half way paying attention to Joe Biden over the years has always been treated to the most stupid, braggadocios and down right inane comments this man has made over the entirety of his political career. The list is looooooooooong. Minus the psychological analysis and the why's, Joe Biden runs his mouth in an attempt to portray himself as a playmaker, a mover and shaker. Big man. His confession on video of him bragging about extorting the Ukrainians over Burisma and the billion dollars is a prime example. Even then, Biden was pretty much his old self. A mouth. A con man. Someone always making himself out to be way above that, of his true intellect.
But, something is noticeably different with the Joe Biden of now and the Joe Biden of years gone by. Objectively, it is clear, especially to those that have a family member or a close friend experiencing the same symptoms. Joe Biden is undergoing the beginning stages of dementia. Alzheimer's. It is more than obvious. What is also obvious is that the leaders of the democrat party are keenly aware of Joe Biden's deteriorating mental condition. This is not going to deter them.
They are going to try and sell him to the American electorate as competent, qualified and fit to become the 46th President of the United States. They'll attempt this by limiting his public appearances, limiting his speaking at campaign rallies, press interviews, fund raisers and the like. Others, (notice the press release of Biden's future cabinet picks), will hit the campaign trail on his behalf and all will rally the democrats. The press will do it's part in manipulating the mindless among us. All is well. Lunchbox Joe is knocking it and there is nothing to look at here. Move along. If Joe Biden is somehow, someway (election theft) elected as the 46th President he will be the Presidential equivalent of "Lambchop". A puppet. A true "shadow government" will take the helm and govern this nation from the dark corners of the democrat party. And, I suspect Obama will be the one doing it.
It does not get anymore deceptive and nefarious than this. A man in obvious, declining health, known to be so by the party leaders who are so desperate and driven to regain the power they feel they are entitled to and to regain it by any and all means possible. The "means, always justifies the ends". They actually believe they can sell this to the American people.