Don't fuck with the XFL
Travel, ok. And the NBA is closed, and St Patricks Day parade is closed. Might we expect a whole ton of closings?
And if the NBA is closed, why are schools open? Schools are basically babysitters.
Tell everyone to stay home, and this will shut down the economy. Shutting down the economy will have a negative effect on the economy. And why exactly? I haven't been paying really close attention, but it appears that Wu Tang, in China, is getting better. Some died, but most got better. I'm pretty sure there have always been illnesses, and people died, and somehow we didn't close down sports even though there was some illness or another.
Trump mentioned new anti viral medications.
Why doesn't Trump mention the things that have anti viral properties?
garlic, coconut oil, baking soda, vitamin c.
And 50 different people can come up with 50 other things.
Trump could say. These things have anti viral properties, and if you go consume them it will lower your risk of catching this virus or it will make the virus less severe.
No, everyone has to go to the doctor to learn (expensively or free - paid by taxpayers). But doctors generally don't know about the antiviral properties of the natural things.
Authenticating apple cider vinegar's home remedy claims: antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral properties and cytotoxicity aspect.
Our results prove the unequivocal antimicrobial activity of ACV to be true at full strength concentrations.
Virucidal efficacy of sodium bicarbonate on a food contact surface against feline calicivirus, a norovirus surrogate.
Sodium bicarbonate at concentrations of 5% and above was found to be the most effective with 4 log(10) (99.99%) reduction in FCV titers on food contact surfaces within a contact time of 1 min. The virucidal efficacy of sodium bicarbonate was enhanced when it was used in combination with aldehydes or hydrogen peroxide. An advantage of sodium bicarbonate over the available chemical disinfectants for food contact surfaces is its safety, ready availability and low cost. The use of sodium bicarbonate alone or in combination with aldehydes can be an effective and inexpensive method of disinfecting food contact surfaces.
Prevention and Treatment of Influenza, Influenza-Like Illness, and Common Cold by Herbal, Complementary, and Natural Therapies
Several herbal remedies were used for prevention and treatment viral respiratory illnesses. Among those that were found effective included maoto, licorice roots, antiwei, North American ginseng, berries, Echinacea, plants extracted carnosic acid, pomegranate, guava tea, and Bai Shao. There is scientific evidence regarding the effectiveness of several complementary therapies for colds. Oral zinc may reduce the length and severity of a cold. Taking vitamin C supplements on a regular basis only slightly reduces the length and severity of colds. Probiotics were found better than placebo in reducing the number episodes of acute upper respiratory tract infections, the rate of episodes of acute upper respiratory tract infection and reducing antibiotic use. Alkaline diets or drinks might have antiviral properties as in vitro studies demonstrated inactivation effect of alkaline medium on respiratory virus.
i do google searches. pubmed and I'm going with antiviral and guessing at the 3rd. Often things that are good for one thing are good for a number of things.