Basically Bernie sounds like he's preparing his following for the big let down. He's also helping poor Joe Biden by giving him the questions for the debate! kek
Bernie comes in @24:55
…We are winning the generational debate.
While Joe Biden continues to do very well, with older Americans, especially those people over 65, our campaign, continues to win the vast majority of the votes of younger people. And I am talking about people, not just in their 20's, but in their 30's and their 40's, these younger generations of this country continue, in very strong numbers, to support our campaign. Today I say to the Democratic establishment, in order to win in the future, you need to win the voters, who represent the future, of our country. And you must speak to the issues of concern for them. You cannot simply be satisfied, by winning the votes of people, who are older. While our campaign has won the ideological debate, we are losing, the debate over elect-ability. I cannot tell you, how many people our campaign has spoken to, who have said, and I quote, I like what your campaign stands for. I agree with what your campaign stands for. But I'm gonna vote for Joe Biden because I think Joe is the best candidate to defeat Donald Trump. End of quote, we have heard that statement all over this country. Needless to say, I strongly disagree with that assertion. But that is, what millions of Democrats and Independents today believe. On Sunday, I very much look forward to the debate in Arizona, with my friend Joe Biden. And let me by very frank, as to the questions I will be asking Joe;
Joe what are you gonna do for the 500,000 people who go bankrupt in our country because of medically related debt. And what are you gonna do for the working people of this country, and small business people who are paying on average, 20% of their incomes for healthcare.
Joe what are you gonna do to end the absurdity of the United States of America being the only major country on earth, where healthcare is not a human right. Are you really gonna veto a medicare for all bill, if it is passed in Congress.
Joe how are you gonna respond to the scientists, who tell us we have 7 or 8 years remaining to transform our energy system, before irreparable harm takes place to this planet, because of the ravages of climate change.
Joe at a time when most young people need a higher education to make it into the middle-class, what are you gonna do to make sure that all of our people can go to college or trade-schools, regardless of their income. And what are you gonna do about the millions of people who are struggling with outrageous levels of student debt.
Joe at a time when we have more people in jail than Communist China, a nation four times our size, what are you gonna do? To end mass encarceration and a racist justice system. And what are you gonna do to end the terror, that millions of undocumented people experience right now, because of our broken and inhumane immigration system.
Joe what are you gonna do, about the fact that we have the highest rate of childhood poverty, of almost any major country on earth, and are living with the fact that 500,000 people tonight, are homeless, and 18 million families are spending half of their income to put a roof over their heads.
Joe importantly, what are you gonna do, to end the absurdity of billionaires buying elections, and the three wealthiest families in American owning more wealth than the bottom half of our people.'''
So let me conclude, the way I began. Donald Trump must be defeated and I will do everything in my power, to make that happen. On Sunday night in the first, one on one debate of this campaign, the American people will have the opportunity, to see which candidate, is best positioned to accomplish that goal. Thank you all very much.