So Vatican is closed to Apr 3.
Will they use that time to bury the tunnels/tombs and destroy the evidence?
Is St. Peters the key 🗝️that unlocks the door of all doors?
The “Divine Queen-Mother” moon-goddess, Ishtar, represents the grand goddess of love, sex, beauty & fertility – according to the Morning Star, and according to the Evening Star – the goddess of war & hunting. Known as Ashtart by the Phoenicians, and Ashtoreth by Canaanites. Asarte being the Greek transliteration of Ashtart, which different Greek factions rendered other variations such as Aphrodite and Dianna.
The scattering from Babylon caused divisions of people with different languages to carry the same deity-figures with different names and character variations which multiplied to create polytheism. Even with the many variations among the different religious systems, there still remained fundamental characteristics, symbolism & themes which synchronized to keep a common thread. Hence, the various world religions are just different renditions of the same Babylonian System. See Mystery Babylon | The Luciferian Legacy
Here are just some of the different names of Ashtoreth:
ISIS- by the Egyptians
ISHTAR- by the Canaanites
APHRODITE- by the Grecians
VENUS- by the Romans
DIANNA- by the Ephesians
ATHTAR – by the Arabians
KALI- by the Indians
COLUMBIA- by North Americans