Anonymous ID: b64d08 March 11, 2020, 9:58 p.m. No.8386055   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6073 >>6344 >>6561

Report: Kim Jong-un Fled Pyongyang Fearing Chinese Coronavirus


The conservative South Korean newspaper Chosun Ilbo claimed on Wednesday that North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un fled the nation’s capital, Pyongyang, fearing a potential infection of Chinese coronavirus. Kim appeared in North Korean propaganda photos that Pyongyang claimed were taken on Monday directing a military drill. He did not appear to be wearing a face mask in the photos, despite state media claiming North Koreans had implemented emergency measures to prevent an outbreak.


The Chinese coronavirus originated in Wuhan, central China, in December, but Communist Party officials took over a month to identify and later notify the public to take measures to prevent an outbreak. It has since spread globally, hitting South Korea particularly painfully due to its spread from a religious congregation that had visited Wuhan. North Korea’s location between South Korea and China – as well as the communist government’s total control over news and information – make it a prime location for a severe outbreak, but Pyongyang claims it has not documented any cases of the respiratory infection within its borders. There is no evidence that North Korean hospitals have tested anyone for the Chinese coronavirus or that they have the ability to do so.


Chosun Ilbo claimed, citing “a government source” in South Korea, that Kim had left Pyongyang “for a considerable time” after China revealed that it had identified a new type of coronavirus. The source cited “intelligence analysis,” presumably conducted by South Korean officials. The Chosun Ilbo report notes that Kim’s presence outside of Pyongyang is not news – a separate set of military drills he reportedly led last week took place in Wonsan, a port city that Kim has for years attempted to turn into a beach resort – but the fact that coronavirus fears prompted the travel does add new context to Kim’s behavior. North Korean state media’s last glimpse of Kim for the public appeared on Tuesday, showing Kim “watching a long-range artillery strike drill a day earlier with binoculars in his hands,” according to the South Korean news service Yonhap. The Korean Central News Agency (KCNA), the main North Korean propaganda outlet, did not specify where that drill took place. “As an order to start the fire was given, the brave artillerymen on the front who have further sharply whetted the bayonet for the revolution with the high spirit of annihilating the enemy amid the flames of the training revolution personally kindled by the Supreme Leader and the wind of hard training for strengthening combat power, opened fire all at once,” KCNA reported.

Anonymous ID: b64d08 March 11, 2020, 10:25 p.m. No.8386262   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6294

Secret WWII bunker that belonged to 'Churchill's secret army' discovered


A long-lost World War II bunker that belonged to "Churchill's secret army" has been discovered in Scotland. The discovery was made at a location in southern Scotland by Forestry and Land Scotland during deforest­ation when workers uncovered an iron door. It belonged to the Auxiliary Units, also referred to as "Churchill's Secret Army" by Historic UK. These men, who were trained in guerilla warfare and acted in secrecy, were a corps of volunteers that are similar to Britain's Home Guard, according to LiveScience. "The bunker is of a type built during WWII as operational bases for auxiliary units tasked with sabotage opera­tions in the event of invasion," AOC Archaeology wrote on its website. "Bunkers of this type are rarely rediscovered since their precise locations were kept secret, and most have since been buried and lost." The bunker was accessible from the east via an access hatch. It had a second escape hatch on the west, but that is now filled. The main space is made of corru­gated iron sheets over a cement floor, approximately 23 feet long and 10 feet wide. The bunker also has a "blast wall" that separates the main bunker space and other rooms, as well as a 12.5-inch ventilation pipe. The bunker is buried approximately 4 feet below the surface at its deepest point. Little evidence of its inside furnishings remain, save for some broken timber bed frames and an empty tin can, AOC Archaeology added. "From records, we know that around seven men used this bunker and at the time were armed with revolvers, submachine guns, a sniper's rifle and explosives," Matt Ritchie, an archaeologist with Forestry and Land Scotland (FLS), said in an interview with the BBC.


There were approximately 3,500 members of the Auxiliary Unit in total, all of whom were recruited in secret. They signed the Official Secrets Act and did not tell their friends and relatives about their initiative. "The men were picked as they had an intimate knowledge of their local area and could live off the land if necessary," Historic UK reports. "As a result of these requirements they were often farm workers, farmers, gamekeepers and even poachers." Churchill deployed them in 1940 but a German invasion never materialized, so they never used their guerilla training in Britain. They were eventually stood down in late 1944.


Several Churchill-related artifacts have been uncovered in recent years. Banknotes worth $2.5 million in today's money were found in June 2018 at the location of Cotswold Outdoor store in Brighton, which was formerly Bradley Gowns, a branch of a well-known London-based furrier frequented by Churchill and his wife, Lady Clementine. In November 2018, a series of mysterious rooms were uncovered for the first time in 250 years at Blenheim Palace, Churchill's birthplace.

Anonymous ID: b64d08 March 11, 2020, 10:31 p.m. No.8386304   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6322

In the midst of campaign season, it’s important to look squarely at what’s at stake. This article speaks to one of the disturbing long term trends that we as voters and citizens need to expect our government to address.


Hmm, wonder just how much he lost by the closure of those colleges yesterday..

Anonymous ID: b64d08 March 11, 2020, 11:02 p.m. No.8386520   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6571 >>6572 >>6637

'Undermining American democracy': Federal judge accuses Chief Justice John Roberts of enabling corruption


A federal judge leveled harsh accusations toward Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts, saying his legal decisions have promoted “economic inequality,” “undermined democracy,” and “increased the political power of corporations and wealthy individuals." Judge Lynn Adelman, a district judge in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, bashed Roberts in an upcoming article for Harvard Law & Policy Review titled "The Roberts Court's Assault on Democracy."


“The Roberts Court has been anything but passive,” wrote Adelman, a Clinton appointee. “Rather, the Court’s hard-right majority is actively participating in undermining American democracy. Indeed, the Roberts Court has contributed to ensuring that the political system in the United States pays little attention to ordinary Americans and responds only to the wishes of a relatively small number of powerful corporations and individuals," the upcoming article reads, according to Fox News.


Adelman raised two areas where he feels the Supreme Court failed: voting rights and campaign finances. "The Court has virtually eviscerated the landmark Voting Rights Act, it has upheld strict voter identification laws that serve no purpose other than to make voting more difficult, and it has authorized states to purge thousands of people from the voting rolls. In addition, the Court has abdicated its responsibility to end the anti-democratic process of partisan gerrymandering," the article abstract reads. "The second way in which the Court is weakening democracy is by reinforcing the enormous imbalance in wealth and political power that has developed in recent decades and that has contributed to undermining democracy," he continues.


Adelman also compares the belief system of congressional Republicans to slave-holders in the antebellum South. “The zealous partisanship the Republicans displayed in connection with the Garland nomination, as well as judicial appointments generally reminds one of nothing so much as the ‘fire-eaters,’ those fervent defenders of slavery who pushed the South into the Civil War,” he reportedly wrote.