Anonymous ID: 088aa4 March 30, 2018, 1:54 a.m. No.839187   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9244 >>9283



>WTC Jewish connections


This graphic is good, but might need a few tweaks. I could be wrong, but the only 9/11 connection Q has provided is the line RED RED 9/11 back on 12.5.17, and it was among the other RED crumbs. And the only Jewish connections I see from Q other than a few Israeli banks was the one about saving Israel for last. Maybe there's more that I'm not seeing.


Feedback on the graphic itself:

The text below Steven Roth in the upper left could use a little reformatting for better clarity. "Roth is married to is Broadway producer"


What is Frank Lowy's connection to this graphic, other than the Jewish star?


What is the green/yellow tree logo in the lower left?


Have any Rothschild bloodline connections been made or is this just another Roth family?


If you're connecting Marvin Bush based on his role with at Securacom and their WTC contracts leading up to 9/11, then you may want to give that more emphasis, and add his family connections. I found 2 interesting articles about the Marvin Bush connection to WTC, each with slightly different perspectives.


My suspicion is that the Bush connection with that company will lead us back to the supposed construction work (ie pre-wiring, power outages, etc) that was done in the weeks & months before 9/11.






But what really blows me away is the vid-related. For Silverstein to openly admit to having a new WTC7 design ready to go the year before 9/11 seems like a BOOM to me. His blinking says it all.

Anonymous ID: 088aa4 March 30, 2018, 2:49 a.m. No.839373   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Okay, my bad for not looking more closing for 9-11 instead of 9/11. And I can see now the Lowy connection (could use a bit more clarity on that in the graphic).



Thanks for clarifying. The inverted WTC footprint monument with the water I get, but the Oculus thing just seems so out of place. I dug a little on it, and I take it this is yet more one-eye symbolism?