Anonymous ID: 9087f8 March 12, 2020, 9:14 a.m. No.8389722   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9737 >>9740 >>9750 >>9758

Trudeau in self-isolation as wife tested for new coronavirus


Sophie Grégoire Trudeau is being tested for the COVID-19 virus and the Prime Minister is opting to self-isolate and work from home until receiving the results, the Prime Minister’s Office said Thursday.


Ms. Grégoire Trudeau began exhibiting mild flu-like symptoms including a low fever on Wednesday and she is self-isolating at home awaiting test results, the office said in a statement.


“The doctor’s advice to the Prime Minister is to continue daily activities while self-monitoring, given he is exhibiting no symptoms himself,” it said.


“Out of an abundance of caution, the Prime Minister is opting to self-isolate and work from home until receiving Sophie’s results.”


Mr. Trudeau’s meeting with provincial and territorial premiers will be postponed, the office added, citing the evolving COVID-19 situation across Canada.


The Prime Minister is planning to spend the day in briefings, calls, and virtual meetings from home, including speaking with other world leaders about the novel coronavirus.


His office said it will continue to base all decisions on the best evidence, science and advice from highly-trained medical professionals and public health officials.


Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland said Canada is seeking further information from the United States before deciding whether to follow their lead and suspend flights from Europe.


Canadian officials began conversations with the U.S. government Wednesday night after President Donald Trump announced the suspension. Canada was not informed in advance, she said.


Ms. Freeland told CBC News Thursday morning that there are no immediate plans to ban inbound flights from Europe, and Ottawa is relying on the advice of its public health officials.