Anonymous ID: 9a6acb March 12, 2020, 8:16 a.m. No.8389179   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9200 >>9218 >>9333

>>8388943 /lb

>>8388942 /lb

The Germans are painted as the abhorrent & savage aggressors, but the "Nazi" movement was a direct counterbalance to the crippling economic sanctions placed on the people after WWI (A zionist and imperialist ruse) and the growing nihilistic post-modern ethos coming from Marxist thinkers across Europe. The Nazi high command are certainly guilty of unscrupulous decisions and outright crimes that led to the deaths of millions, many may have been involved in occult machinations that reveal them to have been disloyal to Germany, acting only on behalf of their puppet-masters further up the ladder.

From the perspective of the average German, Hitler was reinvigorating their cultural heritage by connecting them with their Aryan ancestors that spread all the way from Tibet to Iceland. The pride engendered by the civic parades and Olympic games was about inspiring the people to strive toward greatness and heroism that the Aryan forebears had achieved.


Subsequent propaganda has painted "Nazis" as the ultimate boogeyman, an archetype designed to be reviled without ever having to establish facts about a person's character or beliefs. If you are associated with Nazis in someone's mind, you become a non-person. Most of us here recognize the laughably simplistic worldview being concocted by this (((media))) driven narrative.

When the news collectively kvetches over the sight of a swastika as a hate crime, they insult the memory of millions of our ancestors who survived unimaginable hardships to pass on their successes through the ages. They literally want to deface and erase the history of a people who have been using this symbol for at least 15,000years. Who's supremacist?

Anonymous ID: 9a6acb March 12, 2020, 8:47 a.m. No.8389524   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Did I lionize Hitler faggot?


You are doing exactly what I was talking about; recoiling at the sight of a Swastika and assuming there is a hateful and supremacist motivation behind the discussion of it.


>-non sequitur attacks and calls to filter are the hallmarks of deceivers.