Anonymous ID: a7006c March 12, 2020, 9:30 a.m. No.8389873   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9923 >>9935 >>0026

>>8389666 /lb<6cubed

>>8389653 /lb

The Black Cube represents the primordial void from which all springs forth. The cosmic mother, the black womb of Gaia, the rich black soils of the Nile and Fertile Crescent, the black Madonna. The immaterial & conceptual brought forth into 3 dimensions.

33 Human Vertebrae (including Coccyx & Sacrum) represented by 33 steps of Freemasonry, 33 years of Jesus' Life, Jacob's Ladder, etc. (Kundalini) Energy, Chi, Lifeforce, etc. must climb the 33 steps to elevate towards Christ consciousness.


The symbology is all there from the get go. Tanit, Hermes, Thoth, Mercury, Ningishzida, Krishna, etc. 3 pillars in multiple teachings represent the trinity. Male, Female, Divine- Sun, Moon, Saturn (or Sirius)etc. Energy spiraling up the columns…

All allegory to describe the initiation of & transcendence of man from the low to the highest ideals.

Anonymous ID: a7006c March 12, 2020, 9:46 a.m. No.8390026   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0040 >>0042



The Ka'b of Allah in Mecca is the Kabbalah. The same lineage of religious symbolism that all the ancient world teachings share. It seems that no matter what religion you identify with, the elites have always used the belief system as a means of control a diversion of energy to keep their populations docile and distracted while [they] pursue deeper and more ancient paths of understanding.


>Kaaba (n.)

1734, Caaba, cube-shaped building in the Great Mosque of Mecca, containing the Black Stone, the most sacred site of Islam, from Arabic ka'bah "square house," from ka'b "cube."

>cube (n.)

1550s, "regular geometric body with six square faces," also "product obtained by multiplying the square of a quantity by the quantity itself," from Middle French cube (13c.) and directly from Latin cubus, from Greek kybos "a six-sided die," used metaphorically of dice-like blocks of any sort, also "cake; piece of salted fish; vertebra," of uncertain origin. Beekes points out that "words for dice are often loans" and that "the Lydians claimed to have invented the game" of kybos.

The mathematical also was in the ancient Greek word: the Greeks threw with three dice; the highest possible roll was three sixes.

>cubic (adj.)

mid-15c., "being of the third power;" 1550s, "having the form of a cube," from Old French cubique (14c.), from Latin cubicus, from Greek kybikos, from kybos "cube" (see cube (n.)). Meaning "solid, three-dimensional"

>cabal (n.)

1520s, "mystical interpretation of the Old Testament," later "an intriguing society, a small group meeting privately" (1660s), from French cabal, which had both senses, from Medieval Latin cabbala (see cabbala).

>cabbala (n.)

"Jewish mystic philosophy," 1520s, from Medieval Latin cabbala, from Mishnaic Hebrew qabbalah "reception, received lore, tradition," especially "tradition of mystical interpretation of the Old Testament," from qibbel "to receive, admit, accept." Compare Arabic qabala "he received, accepted." Hence "any secret or esoteric science." Related: Cabbalist.




^Closed minds remain small. Flippant rejection of intellectual discourse on the basis of religious fundamentalism is a recipe for disastrous misunderstandings.

Anonymous ID: a7006c March 12, 2020, 9:57 a.m. No.8390144   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0170 >>0211


When you see a Christian crucifix, do you think you're not worshiping the Coptic Chi Rho symbol, derived from the Egyptian Ahnk, derived from Tanit cult, composed of the Baal phallus Obelisk joining with the Divine Womb?


"Amen", and all that jazz. The Bible & Christ's teachings are far more powerful than literalism can ever hope to convey. Allegory is a stepping stone to the higher realms.

Anonymous ID: a7006c March 12, 2020, 10:30 a.m. No.8390510   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0527 >>0585


One of my art school teachers who was familiar with the New York gallery scene basically shit all over Jasper Johns, said he couldn't understand WHY he was successful and being shown as much as he was. My teacher said he was just fundamentally not good in terms of craftsmanship, execution, and concept.


This is all making a lot more sense when you see the cabal connections.