Jackie did…
Senator Yarborough, Marine and combat vet riding close behind limo, and two motorcycle cops riding close to limo, all smelled gun powder at street level in motorcade, and claimed shot came from very close proximity to limo/JFK.
Jackie did…
Senator Yarborough, Marine and combat vet riding close behind limo, and two motorcycle cops riding close to limo, all smelled gun powder at street level in motorcade, and claimed shot came from very close proximity to limo/JFK.
Looking at the video as a kid I always thought that's what it looked like. Wasn't until I walked the terrain and understood the "shooter's" complete lack of skill in shooting vs the "shots" that I knew there was no way the official story was true.
Then I read into Warren Commission Testimony that was not included in report. Cops, Senator, etc…then it all made sense
Nope…exit wound on film is not commensurate with a rifle shot from almost directly behind him. Exit is virtually straight up and out…shot to the neck had already happened…Fatal shot from bottom up…