Anonymous ID: a4692b Most People Can't Tell The Difference Between Trump And Trump AI, Can You? March 12, 2020, 11:53 a.m. No.8391403   🗄️.is 🔗kun

First sample:


"So, that’s why I’ve been saying all along that, yes, I’d love to win. But, boy, do these guys want me to. These guys, they don’t talk about it. They say, 'Donald Trump, please, please run.' Because they’ll take away your tax cuts, because they’ll take away your regulation cuts. They’ll take them away. And, frankly, really, really bad things will happen with our country. Our country would go down very quickly. Very quickly, very, very rapidly. The Democrats want to turn back the clock, which is, essentially, what they’ve done. They’ve turned back. We’ve gone much further left than anybody thought possible."


Second sample:


The Democrats are the party of crime. They want to abolish ICE. And they don't like it. You know, you have these people that come in – I mean, it's incredible. We had a case recently where we got MS-13 out of our country. They're not coming back in. It's amazing. But we're getting them out. We're doing things with ICE and Border Patrol and law enforcement. We've done more than anybody else. So this election is about safety for all Americans. This election is also about prosperity. For years, you've watched as your leaders apologized for America. Now you're seeing America apologize for them. That's why I'm asking every citizen from every party, every background and every race, color or creed to reject the Democrat politics of anger and division and embrace an agenda based on hope and optimism rooted deep within America's heart. Because if there's one thing we've learned over the last few months, it should be this: There really isn't any place else I'd rather be. There's no place. [Audience Chants USA] Thank you. God bless you, and god bless America.


OK, have you decided which one is real? Well, the joke's on you buddy because both of them are written by robots. It's not just the Donald who can lie.

Anonymous ID: a4692b MIT built a Donald Trump AI Twitter bot that sounds scarily like him March 12, 2020, 11:54 a.m. No.8391416   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Donald Trump knows many words. He has the best words. He’s going to find the best people to help him run the country. He knows many smart people. Tons. His presidency will be classy, huge, even.


Imitating Trump has become a popular sport as the American businessman leads the race for the Republican party’s presidential nominee and one that even inanimate objects can play. A researcher at MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence (CSAIL) lab has trained a neural network—a learning AI system modeled after the structure of the human brain that can be taught to find patterns in information on its own—to create sentences based on Donald Trump’s victory speeches in the presidential primary elections.


Creator Bradley Hayes was inspired by a similar neural network trained to simulate Shakespeare quotes, as well as a recent report that Trump generally speaks at an elementary-school level. “Trump’s language tends to be more simplistic, so I figured that, as a modeling problem, he would be the most manageable candidate to study,” Hayes said in a release.


The Trump AI was trained on a few hours of Trump’s speeches, randomly choosing letters to start sentences and then building them out letter-by-letter. As MIT explained in a release, if the bot chooses the letter “M,” it will potentially be followed by the letter “A” and then “K,” until it spells out Trump’s favorite hat-based saying, “Make America Great Again.”


Hayes applied the bot to one of Trump’s favorite outlets, Twitter. The twitter bot called @DeepDrumpf (named after a recent John Oliver segment about Trump’s heritage) builds tweets that sound remarkably similar to the staccato style of Trump’s tweets.

Anonymous ID: a4692b March 12, 2020, 12:05 p.m. No.8391547   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1988

There has never been a time in our country Yes there has.


This is not the present-future. This is the past-future all of this is Fake News. Everything that is being said here in this board is fake, everything is generated by Robots.

Anonymous ID: a4692b March 12, 2020, 12:12 p.m. No.8391625   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1787



The latter, though generally known by this name, which means "The Stone Temple," is properly called the Lajjika-vihara, having been built by King Lajjitissa.


Of the other dagobas whiiich are cattered about in the jungle, I may mention the Kiri Wihara ("Milk Temple"), which is so entirely buried beneath encroaching earth, that its existence is only know by the tradition which declares it to lie buried beneath a huge grassy mound.


Of vanished glories, one of the chief must have been the Monara, or Mayura-paya, i.e. the "Peacock Palace of the Kings," so called not only from the brilliancy of the colors with which it was painted externally, but also from the abundance of precious stones, gold and silver, employed in its decoration. It is described as having been a building three storeys high, with ranges of cool rooms underground. Whatever may still remain of it is all underground, buried beneath a grassy mound ; but round it, as if keeping sentry round the royal palce, stand a circle of fine stone pillars with beatifully sculptured capitals. But the crowning marval of Anuradhapura was the Lowa-maha-paya, or "Great Brazen Palace," a monastery built by King Dutugemunu about B.C. 164, for the accommodation of the one thousand priests, or rather monks, for such they were. It was nine storeys high, probably pyramidal, so that the top storey was much smaller than the lowest. The latter was built up from a foundation supported by sixteen hundered granite pillars, all of which the Rajavali implies were covered with copper. Each priest had his own little dormitory, and (as no great man could possibly allow his inferior to sit higher than himself) the poor old priests of highest rank had to occupy the uppermostrooms, just under the roof with its glittering brazen tiles–rather warm quarters on a hot summer's day !

Two Happy Years in Ceylon, Volume 1

The Buried Cities of Ceylon: A Guide Book to Anuradhapura and Polonaruwa