Anonymous ID: 859c84 March 12, 2020, 4:24 p.m. No.8394116   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4416 >>4424

Every time I read another article I can't help but think this is martial law under the guise of a virus or about to be martial law…


Curfews, shutting sports and entertainment down, Disney down (trafficking?), no public allowed in Supreme Court (tribunals?), Washington tele-working, schools closing, economy crashing (switch to Gold standard?), "self quarantine", etc etc …


Are they prepping the public for full on Martial Law? Will the indictments get unsealed? Will the Swamp Rats get picked up because they are "infected"? 39 Deaths isn't a pandemic…


Still trusting the plan. Patriots in control. Thank you Q and Q+ and all the Anons.


Shadilay Brothers and Sisters… Shadilay!