Anonymous ID: b97b04 March 12, 2020, 3:46 p.m. No.8393794   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3878 >>3907 >>4150

>>8393227 lb

"Today's stock market drop of 9.99 was comms as well."


Comms from the rich bankers and traders that they want to destroy this country and everyone who isn't in the upper 1 or 10%?

Sometimes shit happens that the white hats do not control, especially down to 2 decimal points. Remember POTUS' recent rally when he apologized to his family because some of the crap he has to handle was not part of the "deal" he made with them. He said the deal was that he would work hard and do a good job. Not that he would be impeached for doing nothing wrong. Or that they would be subjected to ceaseless criticism.


POTUS loves this country and its people. You think he would be okay with a plan where millions of ordinary people are financially hurt and where thousands might die from a novel virus.

Hurricane season the first year he was in office was not "comms" or a brilliant part of the "Plan". Neither is this market crash or pandemic. The Plan may have included contingencies for these events and POTUS and his team will handle them admirably. But these were not in the preferred script for the movie.

We need to pray for POTUS and let him know we appreciate all he does and endures for us. These are tough times, not happy days with comms, comms here, comms, comms there, happy, happy comms everywhere.