Anonymous ID: 09394f March 12, 2020, 5:23 p.m. No.8394682   🗄️.is 🔗kun


It's fine here, EU countries are a bunch of idiots and have open borders so it can spread, that's why the ban is there.

Was he fear mongering when he banned chinks?

Fuck off faggot.

Anonymous ID: 09394f March 12, 2020, 5:56 p.m. No.8395038   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5119 >>5149

Side by side on the Corona Virus


Remember this crumb:

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 25 Jul 2019 - 8:09:23 PM

Possible China monitored [MUELLER] hearing?

Possible China analyzing likelihood of POTUS re_ELEC 2020?

Possible China taking steps [think propaganda] to harm POTUS re: 2020?

Possible China in sec_comms w/ D candidate(s) running for President re: re-institute US piggy-bank?

Possible China in sec_comms w/ former D_party senior officials re: re-institute US piggy-bank?

Possible China put extreme [threatening?] pressure on NK the day of the [MUELLER] hearing (coincidence?) should hearing swing to POTUS?

Possible acts were taken in effort to diminish (lessen) D_blow?

Possible acts were taken in effort to 'change the narrative'?

Define 'False Flag'.



The theory is either China or a deep state agent knowingly released this virus into the food market to weaken the world economy and therefore Trump's reelection.

China legitimately doesn't care about its citizens and the other people around the world, including in the USA, would be civilian casualties.

Despite the USA doing a great job in containing this, only have ~40 deaths and ~1400 cases as of now, the MSM and elites are using it to attack Trump and fuck up the economy.

Q, Q team, and Q+ KNEW they'd try to do something, but I honestly think this was a shock to them; yet, they've had a great response and will continue to keep the American people safe (travel bans, supplies, funds, etc).

Small graphic has the basic points, the bigger/longer graphics have much more detail and going to work on a [MSM] induced panic graphic to explain that part.

Anonymous ID: 09394f March 12, 2020, 6:09 p.m. No.8395168   🗄️.is 🔗kun


<delusional spammer thinks he matters

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 25 Jul 2019 - 8:09:23 PM

Possible China monitored [MUELLER] hearing?

Possible China analyzing likelihood of POTUS re_ELEC 2020?

Possible China taking steps [think propaganda] to harm POTUS re: 2020?

Possible China in sec_comms w/ D candidate(s) running for President re: re-institute US piggy-bank?

Possible China in sec_comms w/ former D_party senior officials re: re-institute US piggy-bank?

Possible China put extreme [threatening?] pressure on NK the day of the [MUELLER] hearing (coincidence?) should hearing swing to POTUS?

Possible acts were taken in effort to diminish (lessen) D_blow?

Possible acts were taken in effort to 'change the narrative'?

Define 'False Flag'.



Shut up rainman. It's a name anons call you because you're a petulant and irrelevant shill faggot. Thanks for confirming you have no idea what's going on.