Anonymous ID: 2ebff0 March 12, 2020, 5:44 p.m. No.8394915   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Yes the Fed is clueless (they let it come to this)


KEK…It was done on Purpose/Planned… Read a Book…KEK


Changing Fortunes:: The World's Money and the Threat to American Leadership


Paul Volcker: The Man Who Vanquished Gold


The flood of obituaries that noted the passing of Paul Volcker (1927–2019) last week have almost all lauded his achievement as Fed chair (1979–1987) in reining in the double-digit inflation that ravaged the US economy during the 1970s.


Volcker was referred to as the “former Fed chairman who fought inflation” (here); “inflation tamer” and “a full-fledged inflation warrior” (here); and the “Fed chairman who waged war on inflation” and led “the Federal Reserve’s brute-force campaign to subdue inflation” (here). Mr. Volcker certainly deserves credit for curbing the Great Inflation of the 1970s. However, he also merits a lion’s share of the blame for unleashing the Great Inflation on the US and the world economy in the first place. For it was Mr. Volcker who masterminded the program that President Nixon announced on August 15, 1971, which unilaterally suspended gold convertibility of US dollars held by foreign governments and central banks, imposed a fascist wage-price freeze on the US economy, and slapped a 10 percent surcharge on foreign imports.1


Tragically, by severing the last link between the dollar and gold, Volcker’s program scuttled the last chance of restoring a genuine gold standard.

Anonymous ID: 2ebff0 March 12, 2020, 6:07 p.m. No.8395147   🗄️.is 🔗kun



KEK…the .NWO Unisex…Bullshit… the ole Anything men can do women can do better…Well not at everything …Turn off the TV,,,DUMMIES


‘Not fair’: World cycling bronze medalist cries foul after transgender woman wins gold


The American bronze medalist who lost a world-championship cycling race to a transgender woman from Canada has criticized the results as unfair.


"First transgender woman world champion…ever," Rachel McKinnon, an assistant professor of philosophy at the College of Charleston in South Carolina, bragged Sunday in a tweet that set off a massive debate.