Anonymous ID: d4891a March 12, 2020, 6:41 p.m. No.8395479   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5626 >>5655

some people desperantly want you to think there is no God.

they try to make the thought of God appear ridiculous.

they make people wo pray before having dinner with family look like radicals.


what in fact is ridiculous is the evolution theory, claiming that the many different funtional units of a cell (which cannot exist w/o all the other units and not outside a cell membran) where just coincidentially mixed together in the promordial soup (very early oceans).

how could all those funtional units of the very first cells have evolved over millions of years, if not one of the funtional units could survive on it´s own - or reproduce on it´s own?

did you know cells have power plants, DNA copy machines and tiny vehicles that transport stuff?


w/o them, no cell could survive and w/o a complete cell those vehicles could not survive - nor reproduce.

evolution is simply not possible.


if life did not just happen to come into existence, how did life start?

yup, it was CREATED. by GOD.


did you know it´s an amazing coincidens and very unlikely that our sun only alters very very little in activity/intensity?

w/o that, life would not be possible.

did you know that the earth´s magnetic field is something very very unique, but essential to life on out planet?

do you understand the HUGE coincidence, that moon and sun cover each other PERFECTLY during a solar eclipse?


there are many more 'coincidences'.

it´s GOD´s CREATION, we all are!

Anonymous ID: d4891a March 12, 2020, 6:58 p.m. No.8395655   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5681 >>5913


to be more precise, an example.


evolution claims that life has evolved from the oceans, "mutation and selection".

this theory claims that all life on earth just happened to start.


when looking at e.g. the tiny transport 'vehicles' within cells, evolution theory and hence the explanation for us all being here, fails bigly.

theory would be that there just happened to be tiny transport vehicles.

according to evilution theory those tiny vehicles evolved over millions of years from aminoacids and proteins, they all were slighly different and the 'best' ones survived, and where able to form a cell millions of years later.

those cells then also mutated and the best ones were selected. finally leading to the variety of very special species we see today.


when the evolution theory is discussed in schools, university, media it always focused on the human being quite similar to apes.

it never ever focuses, or even mentiones the very first cell and how this extremely complex divice evolved.

yes, human share 96% to 99% of DNA with chimpanzees. but human share also share 90% with cat´s DNA. so this number is bs.


also it´s very stange that, when species A has evolved over millions of year into species B, there are only species A and B fossils, bot NO fossils on the intermediate species which must have existed over millions of years. makes sense?


back to those tiny vehicles from within a cell.

how could they have survived for millions of years to later form a cell?

fact: they cannot survive w/o a cell membran, they cannot survive wthout the poer plants of cells, they can not reproduce without DNA and tiny DNA copy machines.

all the functional units of a cell could not have "mutated and be selected" over millions of years, bc none of those funtional units could even exist on it´s own and neither reproduce.


evolution is fake.

God is real.

Dark To Light.

Anonymous ID: d4891a March 12, 2020, 7:08 p.m. No.8395761   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5778


tribunals have started?

why else would they do that and all go public?

they need an excuse for being 'indisposed' - and some maybe need an excuse for worse.


some may sell that as deep state fearmongering and going all in on that.

but does that really makes sense?

why would Trudeaus wife announce that publicly, when this only shows that Trudeau acted weak as fuck, compared to POTUS?


imo there is no good explanation for why the deep state should do that, other than accepting Q´s cover for something they know they cannot stop anymore.

tribunals are most likely. and imo it will be very silent, some sentencing prolly be delayed for long time, to make them act their roles and wake up the public.

also defender europe makes much sense, having military back up and the possibility to shut down any city due to virus gives Q the ultimate full control.