Anonymous ID: 8b0f67 March 12, 2020, 8:15 p.m. No.8396540   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6607


>Never Let a Crisis Go to Waste: Democrats Cite Wuhan Virus to Push Longstanding Policy Priorities


>As the nation braces for the effects of the Wuhan coronavirus, congressional Democrats and left-leaning groups have seized on the moment of crisis to push for the enactment of longstanding policy goals.


Who are these Anon's putting stuff like this in the notables. What is in this you find so unbearable? You are either an old Republican unable to see beyond your construct or some elite entitled 30 year old and under who thinks everyone should pull themselves up by their bootstraps.


Do you people not understand (((they))) divide us with this kind of thought?


If you want to use "funny money" to keep score if you think after 10 years of printing "funny money" for the sole benefit of Wall Street, the Federal Reserve could not simply print "funny money" for the rest of us then leave here and go back to 4chan.


Stop putting this kind of stuff in the notables, it makes us look bad.


You better believe regardless of party affiliation that "universal, employer-funded sick leave alongside temporary emergency measures, potentially shuttering employers" is a good place to start but a small gesture at that. At least it may help keep my elder parents alive.


If you are an employer than you take it up with the government and get your fair share of printed "funny money"


For God's sake what is wrong with what they are asking for?


Democrats has snuck in universal, employer-funded sick leave alongside temporary emergency measures, potentially shuttering employers


Much of the bill pertains to emergency-related funding, including an additional $500 million for SNAP and guaranteed sick leave for individuals quarantined with the disease.


I suppose you are the same person walking around telling people not to worry about the stock market because surely Trump has your back. Even though you are maybe 5% of the 90% who don't care or have little exposure to the equity markets surely Trump will pull out all the stops and assure the rich just keep getting richer at the expense of the rest of us—AGAIN—2008 anyone? ..


Why is this in notables?

Anonymous ID: 8b0f67 March 12, 2020, 8:27 p.m. No.8396661   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6698


My portfolio went bankrupt in 2008 and I learned my lessons. Anyone here who thinks they are better than 2/3's or more of Americans who can't afford to invest or either learned their lesson in 2008 and stayed far away from the markets deserve to get hurt badly in the "funny money" area.


Plus how come so many "woke" people don't understand the value of precious metals whether in hand or an etf are just as worthless as a share of the Stock Markets "funny money" value.


It all needs to crash and burn and we need to move away from the construct of money ruling our lives and using "funny money" to determine who gets to live, eat and play and who gets to starve, work and die.