Anonymous ID: 4e43f9 March 12, 2020, 10:05 p.m. No.8397529   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7614 >>7626 >>7659 >>7666 >>7674 >>7989

POLITICAL FEAR-MONGER: Obama Medicare Chief Says Over One Million US Coronavirus Deaths Will Happen Because of Trump; Accuses CDC of Cover-Up


This is going to get worse before it gets better. I mean the partisan fear-mongering over the Wuhan coronavirus by Democrats and the media to take out President Trump. It could end up doing more harm to the nation than the virus itself.


Case in point: Obama administration Medicare chief Andy Slavitt who wrote on Twitter Thursday night to the 235,000 followers of his blue check mark account that “experts” told him over one million Americans will die of the Wuhan coronavirus because of President Trump. Slavitt accused CDC officials of a cover-up of by saying they are aware of the forecast numbers but are “muzzled” from speaking about them. Slavitt concluded by telling Americans to consider themselves alrready infected.


Talk like this is going to get people killed–not by the virus, but by liberals like the one who tried to mass murder Republican congressmen in 2017, grievously wounding Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA).


Slavitt was Acting Administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services from March 2015 to January 2017. Slavitt is not a doctor, however he has an MBA from Harvard Business School.


Slavitt went on a multi-tweet storm:


Currently experts expect over 1 million deaths in the U.S. since the virus was not contained & we cannot even test for it. This will be recorded as a major preventable public health disaster. I will try to relate what I learned from a long day of calls about what is happening.


The original sin is Trump’s months long denial and his dismantling of public health and response infrastructure.

That wasn’t all, but it led to other fatal mistakes. 2/


The public health infrastructure could have been prepared. What does that mean: nasal swabs, respirators, ventilators, RNA kits to read tests, machines, gloves. We can at best do 10,000 tests/day. We should be able to do millions. 3/


All of this could have ramped up and solved in January & February and right now we would be talking about containment. We could have also allowed labs to produce tests earlier or gotten WHO tests. We did not. Why? In part Federal workers could not be seen contradicting Trump. 4/

Anonymous ID: 4e43f9 March 12, 2020, 10:06 p.m. No.8397542   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7571 >>7608 >>7863 >>7965 >>8070 >>8210

If You’re Close to the Scene of a Crime, Police Can Demand Google Hand Over Your Data


Google reverse location search warrants have privacy and civil liberties advocates concerned.


The Gainesville Police Department suspected an innocent man was involved in a burglary so naturally they requested that Google give them all of his location data.


Google’s legal investigations support team wrote to Zachary McCoy telling him that local police were demanding information related to his Google account. Google replied and said it would release the data unless McCoy went to court and tried to block the request, NBC reported.


The man then searched his case number on the Gainesville Police Department website where he found a one-page report on the burglary of an elderly woman’s home ten months earlier on March 29, 2009. Unfortunately for McCoy, the crime occurred less than a mile from the home that he shared with his two roommates.


Caleb Kenyon, McCoy’s lawyer, said he was subject of a “geofence warrant.” A geofence warrant is essentially a virtual dragnet over crime scenes where police request to sweep up Google location data drawn from users’ GPS, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, and cellular connections from everyone who is near a crime scene.


From this blanket of surveillance law enforcement then try to figure out which phones may be tied to suspects or possible witnesses. According to journalist Tony Webster, “Law enforcement officials say it’s a promising new technique.”

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“A reverse location search warrant differs from a traditional search warrant in that it doesn’t identify a suspect and establish probable cause to ask for evidence of a suspect’s crimes. Instead, it asks for information about everyone in an area at a certain time, working backwards to identify a suspect.”


McCoy used an exercise-tracking app, RunKeeper, to record his rides. The app relied on his phone’s location services, that were then fed to Google. He looked up his route on the day of the burglary and saw that he had passed the victim’s house three times within an hour, part of his frequent loops through his neighborhood.


“It was a nightmare scenario,” McCoy recalled. “I was using an app to see how many miles I rode my bike and now it was putting me at the scene of the crime. And I was the lead suspect.”

Anonymous ID: 4e43f9 March 12, 2020, 10:07 p.m. No.8397544   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7683 >>7863 >>7965 >>8070 >>8210

US Rolling Out Low-Interest Loans to Small Businesses Impacted by Coronavirus


WASHINGTON—U.S. Small businesses hurt by the COVID-19 outbreak will be able to receive up to $2 million in disaster assistance loans as part of the economic relief package offered by President Donald Trump.


In his address to the nation on March 11, Trump said he instructed the Small Business Administration (SBA), a government agency, to “provide capital and liquidity to firms affected by the coronavirus.”


He called on Congress to increase funding for the SBA program by an additional $50 billion.



“These low-interest loans will help small businesses overcome temporary economic disruptions caused by the virus,” Trump said.


The president has also offered tax deferral for individuals and businesses impacted by the health crisis.


“Using emergency authority, I will be instructing the Treasury Department to defer tax payments, without interest or penalties, for certain individuals and businesses negatively impacted,” Trump said.


Deferring taxes, he said, would inject more than $200 billion of liquidity to the economy.


The tax deadline falls on the traditional April 15 due date. As of this writing, the Treasury and the IRS have not issued a formal announcement on the deferral.


The president also urged Congress to pass “immediate payroll tax relief.”


The SBA announced on March 12 that it began to offer federal disaster loans up to $2 million to small businesses “in designated areas of a state or territory.”


“These loans may be used to pay fixed debts, payroll, accounts payable and other bills that can’t be paid because of the disaster’s impact,” the SBA said in a statement. “The interest rate is 3.75 percent for small businesses without credit available elsewhere; businesses with credit available elsewhere are not eligible. The interest rate for non-profits is 2.75 percent.”


The payment term for these loans will be up to 30 years and determined on a case-by-case basis, depending on a firm’s ability to repay, according to the agency.


“The President took bold, decisive action to make our 30 million small businesses more resilient to Coronavirus-related economic disruptions,” SBA Administrator Jovita Carranza said in a statement.