Anonymous ID: 786c14 March 13, 2020, 6:28 a.m. No.8399692   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9760





How are we going to get a bunch of weeaboo weesphs into saving the world and becoming badass again? How much more difficult is this going to be without a proper 'male' role model for these people to rely on, mentally, as an emotional backbone? What is it about POTUS that just ticks sissyboi's off so much that they'd let 'their,' 'girlfriend' peg them, 'for fun?'


Establish a neural network, mimicking the conscience of the intended targeted demographic. Over time allow this individual to slowly interact with this AI psybotnet and establish a repoir. Differentiate itself from the more nefarious AI weapons tech that's being utilized against the public on a mass scale, by instilling positive growth from within the individual. Allow, actual IRL 'agents' and fellow 'psybros & psysisses' to communicate on some level, as springboard, and screening method for the strongest and most adaptive minds the USA has to offer.


Next, second exploit. ANTIMALE SOCIETY: You are a defective girl!


What is wrong with being a male? Everything. This is why the phrase 'toxic masculinity' was formed and disseminated. This concept creates a negative connotation to the idea of men, coming together, in any form of an union, and is to be considered culturally invalid if a female isn't present as a token 'member' or as a outspoken outsider, attempting to make a big stink if not allowed to join in on the camaraderie. Couple this with the first exploit, and now you're really doing to heavy psychological damage. This is mixed in with subliminal propaganda during advertisements, (men always appear dumb and totally dependant on the female counter-part/head of decision making in the [household] (if applicable), unless shown with his suit on, or business causal arriving home from work, or getting ready to leave too his 9to5er.), popculture disputes over LGBTQAI+ issues that actually affect ~3% of the US population, and having them weigh in on them, (as if they honestly were THAT involved in the first place); all the while, mens' issues besides,

  • Low T

  • Hair loss

  • Pickle dick

  • Puny-bitch-sydrome

  • Thick-rimmed glasses and goatee says I know how to manage a stock portfolio,

  • Your wife is leaving you for Nugenix

  • You stink

  • Your back is broken

  • You NEED a car for everything

  • If you call it ARMOR - you can get guys to, -cat call-, wear SPANX and LIKE IT… maybe a little too much?"

  • Women are the most important thing for men, and a ring proves you understand.

  • If you play with your dick while watching porn, you might as well become a hypnotized sissy who loves to drink cum.

  • and your wife hates you for watching porn. (if only she watched it with you, and stop lying to you and saying that it's gross; because she watches more than you do.)


Look, instead of throwing your wife's panties into the laundry, and hoping she doesn't notice, the 'stains,' wear them to bed, clean, after a shower, and ONLY them. Things WILL change, and it will drive her crazy… either way.


I care about us male anons, and you lurking femanons, WE WERE ALWAYS THE GOOD ONES YOU TELL YOUR GIRLFRIENDS YOU'D NEVER DATE/FUCK/MARRY, but if you did just listen to your heart, instead of Instagram and those skanks, they'd kill you out of jealousy, and then attempt to eat you, in order to absorb & assimilate your 'power.'


This has been a PSA for men who are lost, and needed a quick boot to the ass. Our minds are under attack everyday, anons. This isn't some fear monger, MGTOW, shameless-buttplug. We need to be our natural, divinely masculine selves, tending to OUR needs, and desires. Our ambitions, our dreams are getting curbed stomped; not by 3rd wave fembots, (even though it really does feel that fucking way), and they are not absolved, but by a Techtriarchy posing as our worst childhood traumas, pitting them against each other, while we embody the psyops like possessed pawns on the holographic grid iron.


tl;dr? Stop being a pussy cunt, and respect both poles & cunts - because we BOTH have balls. As above, so ballow.