Anonymous ID: 88d7c7 March 13, 2020, 6:36 a.m. No.8399744   🗄️.is đź”—kun

Meanwhile, in Philly…


Amid coronavirus fears, Philadelphia City Council considers pressuring for an end to evictions, foreclosures, utility shutoffs


by Jason Laughlin, Updated: March 12, 2020- 7:43 PM


A Philadelphia City Council proposal calls for a temporary moratorium on evictions, foreclosures, and tax-lien sales so that people won’t lose their homes if the coronavirus or the economic effects of the outbreak cause them to lose income.

The resolution, introduced Thursday by Councilmembers Helen Gym and Kendra Brooks, also asks for a moratorium on utility shutoffs for those who can’t keep up with their bills amid the crisis.


“We believe housing is a human right, and no one should make a choice between their safety, health, and having to keep a roof over their heads,” Gym said during the Council meeting.


Council does not have the power to stop evictions, foreclosures, or efforts to collect delinquent taxes on residences — or to order utilities to pause service cutoffs. The Councilmembers hope that the resolution can spark discussion and pressure the courts and utilities to consider such measures.


It appeared to have one early payoff, as the Philadelphia Water Department on Thursday announced a 60-day moratorium on service shutoffs.

Another resolution introduced Thursday by Brooks would call for employers to continue health and paid time off benefits for workers and set aside city funds for emergency cash grants, among other strategies.


The Sheriff’s Office, which is responsible for the sale of foreclosed homes, welcomed the resolution.

“The Sheriff’s Office supports a thoughtful exploration of this moratorium as it is clear the potential hardship posed to our residents would be severe to those who are already in the midst of one of life’s most traumatic moments — losing their homes,” Sheriff Rochelle Bilal said in a statement Thursday.