Anonymous ID: 5dff56 March 13, 2020, 9:34 a.m. No.8401501   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Chelsea Manning attempts suicide in jail, legal team says


Former Army intelligence analyst Chelsea Manning tried to “take her own life” in a Virginia jail on Wednesday ahead of a looming court date, her legal team said in a statement.


She has been recovering and is still expected to appear in court for a hearing Friday after refusing to testify before a grand jury in a WikiLeaks probe, the attorneys said.


Manning was re-arrested last May for failing to comply with the subpoena to testify after serving two months for the same issue.


A judge is set to rule Friday on a motion to terminate the civil contempt sanctions stemming from her May refusal.


She told the judge in May she’d “rather starve to death” than comply with the subpoena.


“In spite of those sanctions – which have so far included over a year of so-called 'coercive' incarceration and nearly half a million dollars in threatened fines – she remains unwavering in her refusal to participate in a secret grand jury process that she sees as highly susceptible to abuse,” her legal team wrote in a statement.