Anonymous ID: a17e8c March 13, 2020, 9:34 a.m. No.8401505   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1536 >>1542 >>1640 >>1701

The CoronaVirus Cover Op 2020


1. Get Civilians and Children off the Streets, Schools and Public Events. Prevents Cabal doing mass killings for distraction, or to take revenge.


2. Quarantine : Cover for Mass Arrests. "Self-quarantine" is the World Leader and Hollywood Celeb version of the CEO "Resignation".


3. Shut down Airports, and Borders = No Escape for Cabal.  "Earthquakes" in Glen Falls, NY = destroying remaining DUMB hide-outs and shuttles. 


4. Capture/Execute Cabal figure heads and Celebs SWIFTLY, without having to RedPill the Public which can come later, after the dust has settled.


5. 0% Payroll Tax, extend 4/15 Tax Deadline = Restructure the IRS. Cut off Tax Revenue to corrupt IRS funnel to Cabal.


6. Draining The Swamp Operation…. Disguised as a Public Health Safety Response.


Genius Patriots Plan.

God Bless America. Please stock up on Popcorn from now to 4.10.20.

Anonymous ID: a17e8c March 13, 2020, 9:38 a.m. No.8401552   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1605

Gates Foundation Owned Gilead Sciences Stands To Make $Billions From CoronaVirus Drug Remdesivir


Gilead could be sitting on close to $20 billion in untapped stock market value, provided it has success with a potential new Coronavirus Vaccine.



In Hong Kong, health officials will start clinical trials with a still-unproven antiviral drug Remdesivir (Remdesivir is an Ebola drug) to treat the new Coronavirus, according to a CIA doctor. 


“The cost as will be around $1,000 for a course and Governments will pay the Pharmaceutical company of course,” he notes.

The company behind this is the Gates Foundation owned Gilead Sciences


“Imagine just 10 million doses to start with globally.  This is $10 billion alone.  Plus look at what their stock prices will do.
