Anonymous ID: ff0099 March 30, 2018, 7:55 a.m. No.840688   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0701 >>0708 >>0720 >>0757 >>0780 >>0812 >>0851 >>0852 >>0886

In a sparsely-furnished office in an “undisclosed” strip mall, the #NeverAgain students and ShareBlue, a progressive liberal media group, have teamed up to declare a meme war.


Realizing their movement’s success was largely built on social media, Hogg & friends have dedicated themselves to dominating the discussion on Facebook, Twitter and other platforms. Their strategy? Out-memeing the right.


Dylan Baierlein, a recent graduate of Marjory Stoneman Douglas says, “I came out the womb memeing.” Baierlein, 18, is still finishing psychology classes at Florida Atlantic University, but working full-time for the #NeverAgain movement. Baierlein noted that the NRA, the Alt-Right and users on 4chan have been his biggest inspiration for using memes to promote the group’s message. Pepe must be flattered.


Under Hogg’s leadership, the students and alumni have created a digital informatziya machine, powered by millions of fans and followers. As Hogg says, “the immediate choke hold that we placed on the news cycle, to make sure that people would not be able to look away from this. The captivation of the American public is why this time is different.”


They plan on branching out to YouTube with short VICE-style documentaries and political commentary. “It’s going to be a mix of actual education political stances and, like, the history of gun violence, and how you can register to vote,” Baeirlein said, in an interview with Vanity Fair.


The undisclosed office space was donated by a supporter, according to #NeverAgain co-founder Jaclyn Corin, and its location is a carefully-guarded secret. Meanwhile, a more public agency, P.R. firm 42 West, has volunteered its services for free, which gives the group access to big names in music, media and Hollywood.


Memes and “edgy” docudramas are just the beginning, the group plans to continue their captivating of American media to swing the 2018 elections in their favor. “After the march, our next goal is to have the greatest voter turnout in midterm history,” Dylan’s brother, Matt Baierlein said. “The numbers are on our side—if we can inspire young people to vote.”




My fucking sides!