Anonymous ID: 6a1168 March 13, 2020, 12:09 p.m. No.8403331   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3386


I have two points I'd like to share,

First, what needs to happen to activate Military Intelligence over civilian investigators? (DOJ?)

It's in the Posse Comitatus Act

The act handles the use of US forces on US soil, which in general is forbidden.

There exists a few exceptions, however.

Under 18 U.S.C. § 831, the Attorney General may request that the Secretary of Defense provide emergency assistance if domestic law enforcement is inadequate to address certain types of threats involving the release of nuclear materials, such as potential use of a nuclear or radiological weapon. Such assistance may be by any personnel under the authority of the Department of Defense, provided such assistance does not adversely affect U.S. military preparedness. The only exemption is the deployment of nuclear materials on the part of the United States Armed Forces.


Do you remember that nuclear strike warning in Hawaii?

Uranium One and North Korea attaining quick miniaturization?


All it would take at that point is for Jeff Sessions, then AG, to request from the Secretary of Defense to activate military assets to help in the investigation.

So how do you avoid grand jurys? and publicity that would come from such an investigation?


Well, declare a national emergency.

Say, in the case of Human Trafficking?

What happens under a national emergency?

Senate Report 93-549, Insurrection Act, National Emergencies Act allow:

>The United States Constitution implicitly provides some emergency powers in the article about the executive power :


>Congress may authorize the government to call forth the militia to execute the laws, suppress an insurrection or repel an invasion.

>Congress may authorize the government to suspend consideration of writs of habeas corpus "when in cases of rebellion or invasion the public safety may require it."

>Felony charges may be brought without presentment or grand jury indictment in cases arising "in the militia, when in actual service in time of war or public danger."

>A state government may engage in war without Congress's approval if "actually invaded, or in such imminent Danger as will not admit of delay."


Do you see point #3?

It allows the MILITIA in a national emergency to bring charges without a grand jury or presentment to the courts.

Are we at war?

In a silent war?

With China and their cult clique in control of the US?

Who attempted to Nuke the US?




Everything we've dug is the dirt being used to indict these assholes.