Anonymous ID: 8b74a7 March 13, 2020, 12:22 p.m. No.8403555   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3637





Due to panic reactions to COVID19 Martial Law will be declared and people will be ordered to stay indoors. Only official personnel allowed in the streets like paramedics, ambulances, health workers, police, NG


If you need help due to sickness, just call and we'll come to you.


But, this prevents the runs on TP and other stuff because…

this is SPREADING COVID19 due to crowds

That's why Martial Law is justified.


While martial law is in place, they will round up lots of people involved in the Transnational Criminal Conspiracy Network. Many will be declared Illegal Combatants and go to Guantanamo. Most will just be treated as common criminals because that is what they are. The legal system is ready to prosecute them and process them quickly with the addition of lawyers from the military.


The faces we know and love, will likely not be touched. They are actors in the movie, and their time will come later, after the election. Meanwhile they will continue to discredit the left so that 2021 will see a new anti-Socialism movement and probably a couple of new conservative political parties. 2024 will be interesting because if the Democrats run anyon at all, they will be merely a rump party that everyone expects to finish last. They may well be entirely skunked in 2024 and America will have a new political landscape. Don't bet on the Republicans because they may end up as the 3rd party.

Anonymous ID: 8b74a7 March 13, 2020, 12:25 p.m. No.8403595   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3612



Remember Scaramucci?

The idea of a bad tough boss who comes in, cleans up, and then moves on, so that the new boss can be a beloved nice-guy figure.


I think this is happening in China, and various people are setting the stage for Xi's retirement. After that you will see widespread public criticism of named figures in the CCP and the bureaucracy. It's a big country so it takes time to shift direction.