Anonymous ID: af40a9 March 13, 2020, 11:46 a.m. No.8403053   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3083



>>8402196 WHO Launches Historic Fundraising Effort to Fight Coronavirus Pandemic

>>8402207 Louisiana looking to postpone elections

>>8402222, >>840233 Andrew Gillum involved in suspected crystal meth incident in Miami Beach, police say

>>8402241 Who in U.S. has passed away, and where, from coronavirus?

>>8402248 The National Guard says troops have been activated in all states, with 1000 expected to be on duty by end of the day in various states

>>8402297 Evil Leftists Create PAC to Pay the Person Who Infects President Trump with Coronavirus “Ten Stacks”

>>8402406 Coronavirus: London Mayoral Election Suspended For 12 Months

>>8402424 Canadian Parliament Shuts Down Over Coronavirus Spread Fears

>>8402425 Scientists discover capital of ancient Mayan kingdom at cattle ranch in Mexico

>>8402496 The timeline of the two developments — impeachment and coronavirus — is shocking, and reveals the true cost of hyper-partisanship.

>>8402522 Iran said Friday the security forces will clear the streets nationwide within 24 hours so all citizens can be checked for coronavirus

>>8402550 Bosnia: Large brawl breaks out between migrants groups near reception center

>>8402688 Pandemic accelerates push to move supply chains out of China

>>8402753, >>8402902 they make adrenochrome in Wuhan, it would seem


Not notable last bread

Anonymous ID: af40a9 March 13, 2020, 11:49 a.m. No.8403094   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Russia partly suspends air service with EU states


The ban doesn't apply to the regular flights between Moscow and EU capitals


MOSCOW, March 13. /TASS/. Starting March 16, Russia will partly suspend regular air service with all EU states excluding flights between Moscow and EU capitals. Flights to Switzerland and Norway, except the ones to Geneva and Oslo, have also been suspended, Russia’s task force for combating and preventing the spread of novel coronavirus (COVID-19) told reporters on Friday.



"In order to ensure the security of the state, to protect the citizens’ health and to avoid the spread of the novel coronavirus infection on Russian territory, the task force has decided to suspend passenger flights starting 00:00 March 16, 2020 Moscow time from the territory of the Russian Federation to the territory of EU member states and back, excluding regular flights between Moscow and EU capitals arriving and departing from Sheremetyevo Terminal F," the message said.


Regular air service with Switzerland, excluding flights from Moscow to Geneva, and with Norway, except for flights from Moscow to Oslo, has also been suspended.


Charter flights to these states will still be operated to transport citizens of the EU, Switzerland and Norway back to their home countries and to transport Russian citizens to the Russian Federation.


Earlier, Russia partly suspended air service with China, South Korea and Iran. On Wednesday March 11, Russia partly restricted flights to and from Germany, Spain, Italy and France. Regular flights to Barcelona, Munich and Frankfurt were still operated under those measures.


In late December 2019, Chinese authorities notified the World Health Organization (WHO) about an outbreak of a previously unknown pneumonia in the city of Wuhan, central China. On March 11, WHO officially characterized the situation with the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) as a pandemic. The disease has spread to over 110 countries. According to official data, over 134,000 people have been infected with the virus globally, and over 5,000 have died. There are 45 confirmed cases in Russia.

Anonymous ID: af40a9 March 13, 2020, 11:50 a.m. No.8403112   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3126 >>3419 >>3510 >>3587

U.S. military presence in Europe will be paid by European taxpayers


It would be naive to believe that the U.S. will leave Europe. Washington’s behavior suggests otherwise. The United States intends to maintain and expand its military presence in Europe, to surround Russia with controlled military facilities.


As it was reported, the European Deterrence Initiative (EDI), aimed to strengthen the American military presence on the eastern borders of NATO, will lose about a quarter of its funding in 2021.


Donald Trump intends to use saved funds to build a wall on the border with Mexico. A decrease in the EDI fund, as conceived by Washington, should not lead to a weakening of the American presence in Europe. But payers for this presence will not be the Americans, but the Europeans.


As we know, new fiscal year in the United States begins on the 1st of October. So the process of preparing is actively going. A budget request for funding of the European Deterrence Initiative was formed on the 12th of February. Comparing it with the request for 2019, we can trace what kinds of adjustments were made to the EDI funding.


Primarily, the total cost of the program has changed. Pentagon asked for almost 6 billion dollars last year, and this year – only 4.5 billion dollars. So the decline continues for the second year in a row.


As we know, the EDI support increased U.S. investment to EU security across five main categories: (1) presence; (2) training and exercises; (3) infrastructure; (4) prepositioned equipment; and (5) building partner capacity.


However, if expansion continues, it will not be enough. Training and exercises directed funding will decrease most of all the areas of the EDI this year, (funding will be cut from 600 to 294 million dollars – more than doubled).


This item of expenditures exceeded $ 2 billion this year and in a new draft it is less than 1.5 billion.


By the way, infrastructure development will receive only 100 million less (compared with last year’s budget). This area of activity is mainly financed by investments in military construction, which includes 15 projects in 2021.


In particular, Pentagon’s plan is to build two storage facilities in Germany as a part of the RADR (Rapid Airfield Damage Repair) program, which aims to restore airfields in case of enemy bombardments. Romania will receive the largest allocation – four projects totaling 130.5 million dollars.


Scary fact is that Poland and the Baltic countries do not appear on the list of countries to be funded under the EDI program for this year. Given the fact that these countries border with Russia, they will be the first to stop Russian aggression against NATO in case of war. That’s why Pentagon’s decision to deprive the Baltic countries of funding is completely unacceptable.


They were mentioned in the military development program last time in 2019. Pentagon approved the construction of five facilities in Poland and two centers of the U.S. Special Forces (SOF) in Estonia. But the money did not reach there.


Unfortunately, in September last year Pentagon published a list of projects whose implementation was delayed due to the redistribution of funds in favor of the construction of the Trump’s wall.


Both Polish and Estonian objects were among them. But there was another effective way to reduce costs for Washington – to shift them to Europeans. It’s no secret that Trump is satisfied with this.


That is why current United States Secretary of Defense Mark Esper, speaking about the redistribution of funds in favor of the wall on the border with Mexico, directly invited the European allies to finish the military projects themselves. And a new request for funding the European Deterrence Initiative says that “EDI allows to more efficiently and fairly distribute the burden between all investments.”


Does it mean that the contribution of the Europeans to NATO’s common defense will be increased proportionally with decrease in the contribution of the Americans?


It would be naive to believe that the U.S. will leave Europe. Washington’s behavior suggests otherwise. The United States intends to maintain and expand its military presence in Europe, to surround Russia with controlled military facilities. But Washington will do this not for their money, but for the money of the European taxpayers.


By the way, in case of war between NATO and Russia, the Americans will also fight on European territory using European armies.

Anonymous ID: af40a9 March 13, 2020, 11:51 a.m. No.8403119   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3186

Tulsi Gabbard: Congress Fails to Reform FISA & Patriot Act

Anonymous ID: af40a9 March 13, 2020, 11:53 a.m. No.8403154   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3275 >>3510 >>3587

Trump Opposed House Bill, Leaving FISA to Lapse Sunday; McConnell Expected to Try Again Next Week


WASHINGTON—An effort late Thursday by Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah) to extend Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) authority for 45 days to allow time for further negotiations on reforms was blocked by Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Richard Burr (R-N.C.).


Lee, who with Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) opposed a House-passed FISA extension, asked for unanimous consent to the additional time to offer amendments to a House-passed FISA re-authorization. The amendments would be to protect individual Americans’ civil liberties.


“All I ask is to give us a few weeks. Let’s take 45 days. Give the Senate a chance to deal with the immediate crises associated with the coronavirus and then a chance for us, in a timely fashion, to review the [House] bill and consider our own amendments to it, bipartisan amendments from people who have reached across the aisle in an effort to make this bill better,” Lee explained on the Senate floor.



But Burr would have none of it, declaring in response to Lee that “I am not going to have a 45- day extension. I will let us go dark. I will let us go dark, and if there is a need, the President, by executive order, can do it for whatever period people think they are willing to let it expire.”


Burr said no extension was needed because the Senate will debate “every one of the amendments of Senator Lee and the list of people he gave, and I think that they will be struck down.”


The North Carolina Republican was referring to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s plan to bring the Senate back into session Monday to consider the House bill, known officially as “The USA Freedom Act of 2020.”


The House measure is supported by Attorney General William Barr and House Judiciary Committee Ranking Minority Member Jim Jordan (R-Ohio).


But Lee, Paul, multiple House Republicans and Tom Fitton, president of the non-profit government watchdog Judicial Watch, say the House bill ignores reforms needed to end abuses like those detailed by Department of Justice Inspector Michael Horowitz.


Lee told colleagues late Thursday that President Donald Trump told him he opposed the House bill, which raised the specter of a presidential veto if the Senate approved the measure without further amendments.


Paul issued a statement after the Lee-Burr floor confrontation, declaring that, “As President Trump has repeatedly stated, we should not reauthorize these expiring surveillance powers without real reform. After all we have learned about how government has abused its authority, including spying on President Trump’s 2016 campaign, neither a clean extension, nor the window dressing offered by the U.S.

Anonymous ID: af40a9 March 13, 2020, 11:54 a.m. No.8403164   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Brazil President Bolsonaro Denies He Tested Positive for Coronavirus After Meeting Trump


Update March 13, 2020, 1:00 p.m.:


Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro has denied reports that he tested positive for the coronavirus, calling them "fake news" and saying he tested negative.

Anonymous ID: af40a9 March 13, 2020, 11:57 a.m. No.8403185   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3510 >>3587

The Putin Stimulus: $30 Oil Will Be Great for the Global Economy


The world should be mailing thank-you letters to Moscow right about now.


$30 dollar oil will be great for the global economy (and in turn, a good global economy is good for oil). At a time when the global economy is visibly losing steam, when we’re overdue for another business cycle recession, and when nobody seems to have an answer, Moscow delivered what nobody else could — a massive economic boost for the whole world.


Sure there will be losers, chief among them US shale and the Saudis who need far higher prices to make their budgets work.


But then as a whole, the US shale has always been a loss-making enterprise for America. The scaling-down of shale is not bearish for the US at all. It’s bullish. If Putin can make Americans stop throwing more good money down the shale pit that’s not a bad thing, that’s a giant favor to the US and the health of its economy right there.


To say nothing of the effect of cheap energy itself. Personally I don’t think even $30 oil will be enough to avert a crash but if anything could, it would be that.


Similar story with the Saudis, if they have less money to throw around backing Salafists and bribing Washington, that’s not a bad thing. That’s a great thing for the world.


Some of Russia’s friends like Venezuela and Iran will be hurt as well, but ironically the fact the US has already cut down their imports to a fraction of their capacity means they have a lot less left to lose.


It certainly will kill the Trump administration’s fantasy of the US displacing Russia as the energy supplier to Europe.


Finally, unlike money printing, Putin’s cheap oil stimulus is not redistributive and is not inflationary. And unlike a low-interest rate stimulus, it doesn’t throw economic calculation off balance by falsifying the price of credit and conjuring up a false abundance of real-world capital.


For three years Russia went along with OPECE energy price-fixing because it represented the quickest way to replenish its FX reserves. Those reserves have now been rebuilt. In the meantime, Russia developed a number of new oil fields but couldn’t move on with exploiting them which made its effort rather pointless.


This is a classical win-win. Rather than looking to squeeze every last dime from the consumers in the short term, the oil producers will be helping them to thrive which in turn will make sure the demand keeps growing.

Anonymous ID: af40a9 March 13, 2020, noon No.8403225   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3293

Wave of global revolt replaced by coronavirus fear


Many thought civil disobedience and government crackdowns on protests would dominate international landscape in 2020, then came COVID-19; despite outbreak fears, some protesters are trying to keep their movements



As 2019 gave way to 2020 in a cloud of tear gas, and in some cases a hail of bullets, from Hong Kong to Baghdad, from Beirut to Barcelona and Santiago, it seemed civil disobedience and government crackdowns on protests would dominate the international landscape.


Protests, by their very nature driven by large gatherings, have been doused. Streets crammed with tens of thousands of chanting protesters are largely deserted. Masks worn to protect against tear gas are now worn to protect against the virus. A very different kind of fear has set in around protest camps and around the world


The global unrest spanned three continents last year, fueled by local grievances but reflecting worldwide frustration at growing inequality, corrupt elites and broken promises. In Hong Kong, Beirut and Barcelona, images of euphoric protesters captured people’s imaginations around the world even as they were beaten back, and in some cases, shot dead by police.

In most of these places, the protests had waned even before the outbreak — a combination of fear and fatigue giving way to resignation or apathy. The spreading new coronavirus has in some cases given authorities a means to further suppress the protests.

But the movements are not over. Even with the panic and adjusted daily behavior engulfing the world, some continue to demonstrate, insisting they have sacrificed too much to give up. With the street revolts’ underlying causes largely unaddressed, those surviving remnants could eventually swell once more.

Signature gas masks

Hong Kong’s protesters made face masks a signature of revolt, wearing them to protect against tear gas and conceal their identities from authorities.

These same masks are now ubiquitous around the world – worn by people from China and Iran, to Italy and America, seeking to protect against the coronavirus.

Anonymous ID: af40a9 March 13, 2020, 12:03 p.m. No.8403258   🗄️.is 🔗kun

IED Attack Rocks Damascus. Former NDF Commander Reportedly Killed


On March 13 morning, a small explosion rocked the Dahdal neighborhood in the southern part of the Syrian capital, Damascus.


According to the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA), the explosion was caused by an improvised explosive device (IED) which targeted a civilian car in the neighborhood.


“An IED which had been planted by terrorists in a civilian car exploded this morning, seriously wounding a civilian. He was taken to the hospital, however, he died,” a source in Damascus’ Police Command told the state-run agency.


The victim was identified as Saleh Mohamad Mohamad a retired Syrian Arab Army (SAA) first warrant officer. Several sources reported that Mohamad, originally from Safita in the coastal governorate of Tartus, was a commander in the National Defense Forces (NDF) in the early years of the conflict


In the last two months, Damascus witnessed several IED attacks, all targeting military commanders, pro-government figures or local mediators. The attacks claimed the lives of at least five people and injured 15 others.


No group has claimed responsibility for any of these attacks, so far. The attacks were very likely the work of terrorist groups like ISIS and al-Qaeda’s Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS).

Anonymous ID: af40a9 March 13, 2020, 12:06 p.m. No.8403297   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3642

CONFIRMED: 222,000 Flu Cases and 22,000 Flu Deaths in US this Season … AND– 1,864 COVID-19 Cases and 41 Deaths in US This Season


There have been 41 deaths blamed on the coronavirus in the US.

There have been 1,864 confirmed cases of coronavirus in the US.

At least 23 of those deaths were at the Life Care Center in Kirkland, Washington.

The Life Care Center has gone from 120 residents down to 60 in the past month.


The current mortality rate in the US is 2.2%.

If you subtract the Life Center deaths the total goes down to .9%.


The US economy plunged 8,351 points this month over the coronavirus news and 41 confirmed deaths


At the same time there have been 222,000 confirmed flu cases in the US this season.

And there have been 22,000 flu deaths this flu season.


There were 144 children who died from the flu this season.


This chart comes from the CDC.

It shows weekly flu numbers and seasonal flu numbers.


So far this flu season there have been over 1 million flu tests given.

There have been over 22,552 confirmed flu cases.

There have been 22,000 flu deaths this season.


And yet the stock market crashed over 41 coronavirus deaths?

What is going on?

Anonymous ID: af40a9 March 13, 2020, 12:10 p.m. No.8403352   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3400 >>3487

About 20 People Perish in Egypt Storm - Prime Minister


Approximately 20 people died in the massive thunderstorm that tore through Egypt on Thursday, Prime Minister Mostafa Madbouly said on Friday.


"As a result of these weather conditions, about 20 people have perished throughout the republic", Madbouly said as quoted by his office in a statement.


The prime minister thanked the citizens for heeding the government's warning about not going out unless it was necessary and commended the police and public utility service for handling the aftermath of the storm.


The storm caused sandstorms and intense rainfall and only subsided earlier in the day, but meteorologists are predicting it will last until 14 March. In response, the government cancelled classes in schools and universities and gave paid leave to the working population.


The floods forced the country's railway authorities to halt train service nationwide. Power outages were also reported in several parts of the country, including parts of Cairo.

Anonymous ID: af40a9 March 13, 2020, 12:12 p.m. No.8403395   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Bank of Canada Announces Emergency 50bps Rate Cut, As FinMin Unveils C$10BN Support Program


After a day of relentless central bank interventions across Asia and Europe, which jumped the Atlantic this morning when the Fed announced not one but 6 emergency QE POMOs, moments ago Canada joined the panic response, when the Bank of Canada announced an emergency 50bps rate cut, lowering the overnight rate from 1.25% to 0.75%, generally in line with the market's expectations.


According to the central bank, "this unscheduled rate decision is a proactive measure taken in light of the negative shocks to Canada’s economy arising from the COVID-19 pandemic and the recent sharp drop in oil prices."


The BOC maintained its easing bias, stating that it stood ready to adjust monetary policy further if required, while it dropped the reference in its January statement which stated policy was at an appropriate level. In its policy statement, the Bank said that while the economy had been operating close to potential, with inflation at target, the virus is a “material” negative shock to the Canadian and global outlooks; business activity in some regions has fallen sharply and supply chains have been disrupted, reflective in CAD and commodities, the statement noted.


The BOC also believes that as the virus spreads, business and consumer confidence will deteriorate further, which will depress activity. In light of all these developments, the central bank said that the outlook was clearly weaker now than it was in January.


Finally, the Bank said it "has also taken steps to ensure that the Canadian financial system has sufficient liquidity."


Some more details from the announcement:


The Bank of Canada today lowered its target for the overnight rate by 50 basis points to ¾ percent. The Bank Rate is correspondingly 1 percent and the deposit rate is ½ percent. This unscheduled rate decision is a proactive measure taken in light of the negative shocks to Canada’s economy arising from the COVID-19 pandemic and the recent sharp drop in oil prices.


It is clear that the spread of the coronavirus is having serious consequences for Canadian families, and for Canada’s economy. In addition, lower prices for oil, even since our last scheduled rate decision on March 4, will weigh heavily on the economy, particularly in energy intensive regions.


The Bank will provide a full update of its outlook for the Canadian and global economies on April 15. As the situation evolves, Governing Council stands ready to adjust monetary policy further if required to support economic growth and keep inflation on target.


The Bank has also taken steps to ensure that the Canadian financial system has sufficient liquidity. These additional measures have been announced in separate notices on the Bank’s website. The Bank is closely monitoring economic and financial conditions, in coordination with other G7 central banks and fiscal authorities.

Anonymous ID: af40a9 March 13, 2020, 12:14 p.m. No.8403421   🗄️.is 🔗kun

US Moves Patriot Missiles To Iraq - Outraged Baghdad Says "Consequences" Coming After Airstrikes


With coronavirus pandemic dominating the world's attention, it's easy to forget that the US is essentially in a state of war with Iran, just Thursday night conducting a major aerial bombing campaign against multiple Iran-backed militia targets across southern Iraq.


In response to prior rocket attacks on Camp Taji which killed two Americans on Wednesday the Pentagon declared that “all options are on the table” — suggesting there could be more strikes to come. The Pentagon said it initiated a "proportional" response against five Kata'ib Hezbollah weapons facilities.


Iraq's government immediately condemned the attacks as not only unauthorized violations of its airspace, but as having killed and wounded several Iraqi security force personnel.


Top US forces general in the region, Marine Gen. Frank McKenzie, brushed Baghdad's condemnation aside, essentially saying it was Iraqi forces' fault for being there. Many officers in the Iraqi Army essentially see Khatib Hezbollah as a de facto extension of national forces.


Reuters reports:


Iraq condemned overnight U.S. air strikes on Friday, saying they killed six people and warning of dangerous consequences for what it called a violation of sovereignty and targeted aggression against the nation’s regular armed forces.


The foreign ministry further summoned the US and UK ambassadors following the attacks. But the Pentagon is not backing down.


"These locations that we struck are clear locations of terrorist bases," McKenzie said Friday. When asked about Iraq's fierce response, he said, "If Iraqi military forces are there, I would say it's probably not a good idea to position yourself with Khatib Hezbollah in the wake of a strike that killed Americans and Coalition members."


Meanwhile, the Pentagon is moving Patriot air defense missile systems into Iraq to better defensed US personnel against any potential Iranian strike, even at a moment when Tehran's real focus remains on combating the deadlier Covid-19 outbreak in its midst.


It was also reported Friday that Secretary of Defense Mark Esper has agreed to keep two aircraft carriers in the Gulf region “for a period of time”. They've been identified as the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower and the USS Harry S. Truman.


The US rarely maintains two carriers there, with the last instance coming about eight years ago, in 2012.

Anonymous ID: af40a9 March 13, 2020, 12:20 p.m. No.8403524   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3552 >>3587

Africa’s First Energy Plant That Converts Trash Into Electricity Opens In Ethiopia


The largest waste dump in Ethiopia has been converted into an energy plant that turns trash into power. The Koshe waste dump has been operational for nearly 50 years, but after a terrible accident that killed 140 people in March of 2017, local officials began to consider other possible uses for the site.


Ultimately, the site was turned into the first energy plant in Africa that converts trash into power. The conversion was a part of the “Reppie Waste-to-Energy Project” which seeks to encourage renewable energy throughout the country.


The plant is expected to have the capacity to incinerate 1,400 tons of waste every day, and generate large volumes of power for local businesses and residences.


Zerubabel Getachew, Ethiopia’s deputy permanent representative to the United Nations explained that,


The Reppie project is just one component of Ethiopia’s broader strategy to address pollution and embrace renewable energy across all sectors of the economy. We hope that Reppie will serve as a model for other countries in the region, and around the world.


Trash at the site will be burned in a combustion chamber to create heat that will be used to boil water until it turns to steam, which will then drive a turbine generator to produce electricity. It is also said that the plant will have very low emissions, which will comply with the emissions standards of the European Union. The fact that trash won’t be breaking down in the environment is another advantage.


Ethiopia invested $96 million in the plant, and hired the British firm Cambridge Industries Limited and the China National Electrical Engineering Company to construct the facility. The plant took four years to complete, and opened in January of last year.


These types of power plants are relatively common in Europe, where nearly 25% of municipal waste is incinerated. These plants are especially popular in Germany and France, which each has over 100 of these waste-to-energy plants within their borders.

Anonymous ID: af40a9 March 13, 2020, 12:22 p.m. No.8403549   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3587

Powerful Magnets Being Researched as a Solution for Delivering Fusion Energy


Permanent magnets akin to those used on refrigerators could speed the development of fusion energy – the same energy produced by the sun and stars.


In principle, such magnets can greatly simplify the design and production of twisty fusion facilities called stellarators, according to scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL) and the Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics in Greifswald, Germany. PPPL founder Lyman Spitzer Jr. invented the stellarator in the early 1950s.


Most stellarators use a set of complex twisted coils that spiral like stripes on a candy cane to produce magnetic fields that shape and control the plasma that fuels fusion reactions. Refrigerator-like permanent magnets could produce the hard part of these essential fields, the researchers say, allowing simple, non-twisted coils to produce the remaining part in place of the complex coils.

Twisted coils most expensive


“The twisted coils are the most expensive and complicated part of the stellarator and have to be manufactured to very great precision in a very complicated form,” said physicist Per Helander, head of the Stellarator Theory Division at Max Planck and lead author of a paper describing the research (link is external) in Physical Review Letters (PRL). “We are trying to ease the requirement on the coils by using permanent magnets.”


Simplifying stellarators, which run without the risk of damaging disruptions that more widely used tokamak fusion devices face, can hold great appeal. “I am extremely excited about the use of permanent magnets to shape the plasma in stellarators,” said Steve Cowley, PPPL director and a coauthor of the paper. “It leads to much simpler engineering design.”


Fusion, the power that drives the sun and stars, combines light elements in the form of plasma — the hot, charged state of matter composed of free electrons and atomic nuclei — that generates massive amounts of energy. Scientists around the world are using tokamaks, stellarators, and other facilities in the effort to create and control fusion on Earth for a virtually inexhaustible supply of safe and clean power to generate electricity.


The novel idea for permanent magnets is an offshoot of a science fair project that Jonathan Zarnstorff, the son of PPPL Chief Scientist Michael Zarnstorff, a coauthor of the paper, put together in junior high school. Jonathan wanted to build a rail gun, a device that usually uses high-voltage current to generate a magnetic field that can fire a projectile. But the high-voltage current would be dangerous to use in a classroom.