Anonymous ID: 7b05ea March 13, 2020, 2:20 p.m. No.8405434   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5506

Anon theory on the stock market, oil, Russia & SA:


Remember Trump's ceremonial sword dance with Saudi Arabia:


Remember Putin saying that the New World Order worships Satan:


Remember Trump said that Putin was not his enemy:


Using logic, we can assume that Trump (America), Saudi Arabia, and Russia are working together to defeat the deep state.


With the deep state/Mockingbird media CoronaFlu attack, the stock market has tanked. Trump & military intelligence knew this would happen and were prepared.


Saudi Arabia & Russia recently tanked the stock market even further. Trump said via Twatter:

"Saudi Arabia and Russia are arguing over the price and flow of oil. That, and the Fake News, is the reason for the market drop!"


So….what's going on? Why would our apparent allies team up to hurt the US stock market?


Trump wants to take control of the stock market away from the deep state. If the stock market decline is entirely because of the Mockingbird media and the deep state's bioweapon, then they have the power.


By having Russia & Saudi Arabia contribute to the decline, Trump takes control of the stock market. He will now use Saudi Arabia and Russia to bring oil prices back at the ideal time. This was all planned in advance.


In music therapy, this is called the "Iso principle".