Anonymous ID: e11819 March 13, 2020, 2:54 p.m. No.8405869   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5926

A first for WAPO


The Washington Post‘s fact-checker column slapped former Vice President Joe Biden’s White House campaign with four Pinocchios for its misleading attack ad about President Trump’s comments about the coronavirus, writing it presents “a false narrative that does not reflect the event as it occurred


The Biden ad accuses President Trump of dismissing the deadly illness as a “hoax” during a recent campaign rally in North Charleston, South Carolina. However, Washington Post fact-checker Meg Kelly explained the video clip is a “blatant” misrepresentation of the president’s remark.


“At the 10-second mark [of the ad], the camera shows a tight shot of the president saying ‘coronavirus’ and then cuts to a wide shot where [Trump] says, ‘this is their new hoax.’ Both clips are from Trump’s Feb. 28 campaign rally in North Charleston, S.C., but he never said ‘coronavirus, this is their new hoax.’ Rather, Biden’s ad clipped a large part of Trump’s speech to make it seem as though he had,” Kelly writes. “Ultimately, the seriousness of the coronavirus outbreak, the fact that Trump had clarified his comments on the matter before the ad was released, and the blatant way the Biden camp isolated his remarks about the American Dream pushed us to Four Pinocchios.”


“Campaigns must be willing to make their case without resorting to video manipulation,” she added.


A Biden aide sidestepped the Post’s refutation of the ad and instead resorted to an ad hominem attack against the president, calling him the “most dishonest president in American history.”