Anonymous ID: 392a5e March 13, 2020, 3:21 p.m. No.8406186   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6428


your first move, Satya, should be to repay people for all the licenses that they had to buy when the bought a machine to run Linux. Also, Satya, DOD is due a huge refund because you sold them crap.

and eveyrone else is due refunds due to the defects of your crap software.

and your anticompetitive business practices.

All in all your code should all be open sourced, but guess what, no one wants it anyway.


Microsoft should go down into the dust bin of history as one of the greatest cons of all time.

Anonymous ID: 392a5e March 13, 2020, 3:28 p.m. No.8406259   🗄️.is 🔗kun


perhaps that is partly why the head ghoul just resigned?

When DOD changed their policy to require one license per seat, software vendors didn't adjust the prices.

And then Microsoft did everything to keep the developers who didn't work for them one or two steps behind: they marketted last decades toolset to the developers, meanwhile they were using all new tech.

but ultimately if it wasn't for open source and NSA we'd have a much less secure world.

I got on to the Linux space ship and said 'If I can't do it in linux, then I don't care I won't do it'.


Microsoft has always been in the way, they stifle innovation. They have always been a group think and when you 'upgrade' they wash out all your settings and everything, everytime and you need to relearn everything.

the only good thing they make is an ergonomic keyboard.

Anonymous ID: 392a5e March 13, 2020, 3:37 p.m. No.8406356   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6376

wow this bill gates news is huge! He's been such a villain for decades. Is he finally gonna have-ta pay the piper? Does he finally get thrown down from his undeserved position as 'software architect', a job description that he made up, by the way. And real engineers who were doing engineering couldn't take the liability of relying on crap software from micro-snooze. They literally tried to steal all software and do away with all commons. They started by absorbing Digital, who got screwed.

and then what next? All these 'partnerships'. Again, companies got screwed. What else? They tried to do away with windowing except theirs. They made a very low end shell and called it 'DOS' ignoring Unix and any kind of standards. They invented xml as a way to make it impossible because they had this gigantic and yet hardly useful toolset and specification that was out of control (and just a lot of wrapping, really).

what else did they do? Oh, everytime you needed to do a slight change of any settings, you had to reboot the system. what a pain that was.

Or if you were trying to use DOS they were doing bios things and taking away your memory. What else? Oh, Win NT (for critical systems) what a joke.


I'm having a flash back. I used to do a lot of anonymous they called us cowards back in the slash-dot era about mircosuck too . . .

this is just so amazing, it's not even sinking in.


The troll Bill Gates is fallen from his jade-chair in the fake- heavn of 'we rule the world through licensing'


good riddance. You were always a bad engineer, and you always wrote crap.


Bill, you are so fake. good bye good bye good bye.

Anonymous ID: 392a5e March 13, 2020, 3:40 p.m. No.8406390   🗄️.is 🔗kun

choirs of software engineers are singing in beautiful harmony in their minds, all in their minds . . .

the light has shown and the soiled villain is fallen!

Can there yet again be jobs for those of us driven off into the Linux wild-lands?